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Journal lpq's Journal: List of [un/]supported slasdot html entites (as of postdate)

__quot: '"', __apos: ''', ___amp: '&', ____lt: '<', ____gt: '>'

Slasdot Supported ISO 8859-1 Symbols
_pound: '£', ___yen: '¥', brvbar: '¦', __copy: '©', ___reg: '®', plusmn: '±', frac14: '¼', frac12: '½',
frac34: '¾', _times: '×', divide: '÷'

Slasdot Unsupported ISO 8851-1 Symbols not supported
__nbsp: '', _iexcl: '', __cent: '', curren: '', __sect: '', ___uml: '', __ordf: '', _laquo: '',
___not: '', ___shy: '', __macr: '', ___deg: '', __sup2: '', __sup3: '', _acute: '', _micro: '',
__para: '', middot: '', _cedil: '', __sup1: '', _ordm: '', raquo: '', iquest: ''

Slasdot"/." supported ISO 8859-1 Characters
Agrave: 'À', Aacute: 'Á', _Acirc: 'Â', Atilde: 'Ã', __Auml: 'Ä', _Aring: 'Å', _AElig: 'Æ', Ccedil: 'Ç',
Egrave: 'È', Eacute: 'É', _Ecirc: 'Ê', __Euml: 'Ë', Igrave: 'Ì', Iacute: 'Í', _Icirc: 'Î', __Iuml: 'Ï',
___ETH: 'Ð', Ntilde: 'Ñ', Ograve: 'Ò', Oacute: 'Ó', _Ocirc: 'Ô', Otilde: 'Õ', __Ouml: 'Ö', Oslash: 'Ø',
Uacute: 'Ú', Ugrave: 'Ù', _Ucirc: 'Û', __Uuml: 'Ü', Yacute: 'Ý', _szlig: 'ß', agrave: 'à', aacute: 'á',
_acirc: 'â', atilde: 'ã', __auml: 'ä', _aring: 'å', _aelig: 'æ', ccedil: 'ç', egrave: 'è', eacute: 'é',
_ecirc: 'ê', __euml: 'ë', igrave: 'ì', iacute: 'í', _icirc: 'î', __iuml: 'ï', ___eth: 'ð', ntilde: 'ñ',
ograve: 'ò', oacute: 'ó', _ocirc: 'ô', otilde: 'õ', __ouml: 'ö', oslash: 'ø', ugrave: 'ù', uacute: 'ú',
_ucirc: 'û', __uuml: 'ü', yacute: 'ý', __yuml: 'ÿ'

Slashdot Only ISO 8859-1 _Characters_ not "/." supported:
_THORN: '', _thorn: ''

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List of [un/]supported slasdot html entites (as of postdate)

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HELP!!!! I'm being held prisoner in /usr/games/lib!
