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This discussion was created by Real World Stuff (561780) for logged-in users only, but now has been archived. No new comments can be posted.

CNN's Dry Drunk Dirty Sanchez Lambasts Joe The Janitor

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  • I guess once every other decade CNN manages to get a stool firm enough to clog up the toilet. And when Joe lying about being a plumber inconveniences THEM, then they're all constipated about it.

    Meanwhile, there's this little embarassment to show how bad CNN really is when they're not working out a good turd:

    http://search.cnn.com/search?query=unasur&type=web&sortBy=date&intl=false [cnn.com]

    At the top, find the name of the South American Union. That's a google web search. Being the South American equivalent

Get hold of portable property. -- Charles Dickens, "Great Expectations"
