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Total Kyoto Compliance.

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  • In slightly the same vein: Penance for Gas Guzzlers [nypost.com]

    This year's Oscar goodie bag contained gift certificates representing 100,000 pounds of greenhouse gas reductions from TerraPass, which describes itself as a "carbon offset retailer." The 100,000 pounds "are enough to balance out an average year in the life of an Academy Award presenter," a press release from TerraPass asserts. "For example, 100,000 pounds is the total amount of carbon dioxide created by 20,000 miles of driving, 40,000 miles on commerci

  • Unless you're Algore or a Hollyweirdo, you're probably already eligible for the cheapest rates from the Iowahawk EcoPals Network [typepad.com].

    "Use alternative energy...Gwyneth Paltrow needs the jet fuel."

It is easier to write an incorrect program than understand a correct one.
