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Journal FirstNoel's Journal: Her first Monday back... 1

Well, Amy came back into work today. I don't expect her to get much done. She kind of has to feel out everybody first. Some people will talk to her without any issue, others will avoid her like the plague, (the people who don't know how to deal).

I'm hoping that her team members will kind of watch over her a little, let me know if I'm needed. Also there's a pesty woman who Amy works with that might need shooed away occasionally.

I think it will take her a good week or two to walk through this place with out wanting to break down. She needs this distraction as frustrating as people at work can be, they still aren't as despair inducing as losing our son.


Friday was rough, after the doctor's visit. As good as it was for her to get her emotions out, she cried so hard, it was tough for me to see her so hurt. I remember crying like that on the night after Zach died. I did seem to help me, hopefully it will help her too.

Saturday, she say it was rough, I can't say. I was out helping her parents. Her Dad does blacksmithing, so we were at a craft show, all day. Since she was still "technically" on Disablity we though it best for her not to be there. So she had all day alone to think about everything. I'm thinking she did have a rough day.

Sunday, thank God for football. We went up to my sister's house to watch the Niner's game. (They have the Sunday Ticket thing). So we were able to get out of the house and do something different. It was a good distraction. Who would have thought that football would help things? Plus the Niners won, double bonus. I think we might have made a big jump, she used to think that a shower was the only thing left to look forward to, now it might be football games. She doesn't understand all the rules, (who does?), but she likes the action, and commenting on how the cheerleaders look slutty.
And since the football season runs till the end of January, after that she be able to look forward to trying for another child.

I'm looking for any lucky break I can get. I know we're going to have some more really rough times, I just want the occasional distraction so she can relax and live a little.

Well, I guess I should get to work...

Sean D.

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Her first Monday back...

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  • She doesn't understand all the rules, (who does?),

    I do... but its mostly cause of my obsession with football ;)

    I converted my wife... she's slooowly learning everything, but only watches steeler games with me.

"Ninety percent of baseball is half mental." -- Yogi Berra
