
Submission + - Pentingnya Kop Surat Perusahaan Bagi Perkembangan Bisnis Anda (cycomdesign.com)

Cycom Design writes: Anda mungkin tidak menyadarinya, tapi kop surat lebih dari sekadar uraian di bagian atas halaman. Bagian ini berisi semua hal yang perlu diketahui pelanggan tentang bisnis Anda, yang disampaikan dengan kombinasi nama perusahaan, logo dan informasi kontak Anda. Menyisikan sedikit waktu untuk membuat pesan bisnis Anda dengan pendekatan desain yang koheren untuk alat tulis perusahaan Anda sangat berharga.

Mengapa Kop Surat Perusahaan Sangat Penting?
Logo perusahaan

Perusahaan Anda akan memiliki logo karena suatu alasan. Gambar ini akan menentukan merek atau layanan yang Anda berikan, dan akan membantu pelanggan mengenali bisnis Anda. Jadi, dengan meletakkan logo perusahaan di alat tulis seperti kop surat, Anda akan mengekspos merek Anda dan apa yang Anda inginkan, memberi Anda kesadaran merek yang lebih besar di industri dan diantara pelanggan Anda.

Bawalah identitas merek Anda

Setiap perusahaan ingin pelanggannya tahu bahwa ia menawarkan layanan terbaik atau produk termurah. Dengan demikian kop surat perusahaan Anda perlu memperkuat pesan merek yang ingin disampaikan. Anda harus memastikan bahwa kop surat Anda mencerminkan hal ini, apakah dibuat dengan desain yang ramping, atau warna dan font yang menarik.

Menunjukkan otoritas dan legalitas

Dengan menggunakan kop surat perusahaan yang dipersonalisasi pada dokumentasi yang akan digunakan, dapat memperkuat otoritas merek Anda dan memberi kredibilitas surat tersebut. Hal ini juga tentu membuat perusahaan Anda terlihat lebih besar. Saat Anda mempersonalisasi kop surat, yang berarti memasukkan nama Anda di kolom header atau area kontak, ini memberi kesan bahwa ada tim di belakang Anda. Tentu saja ini akan menarik kontrak yang lebih besar dari perusahaan lain.

Kop surat yang dipersonalisasi kreatif meningkatkan angka penjualan Anda

Jika Anda ingin mencetak kop surat yang dipersonalisasi, mengapa hanya memasukkan nama perusahaan Anda? Jadilah kreatif dengan menyertakan gambar dan bio singkat yang mencantumkan spesialisasi bisnis Anda. Tentu saja hal ini dapat memicu proyek menarik dari perusahaan lain dan meningkatkan loyalitas pelanggan.

Comment Re:Non story (Score 1) 342

Agriculture uses about 80 percent of the water in California. It takes a lot of water to make deserts bloom. As far as cities like Cape Town, there is a limit to how many people certain areas can support. Eventually you reach such a high population that the land can't support it without massive projects.

Comment Re:Red Lights (Score 1) 275

Now I look both ways before I venture into the intersection.

My favorite thing is intersections with 4-way stop signs. Drivers seem to be having a whole lot of trouble with the "left turn always yields" rule. For years now, about every other time I go out I see someone fail at this, and I try not to go out too often.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Jangan Lakukan 6 Kesalahan Keuangan di Tahun 2018 Jika Anda Mau Sejahtera!

Coba cek kembali anggaran belanja bulanan Anda di tahun 2018, jangan-jangan Anda melakukan kesalahan keuangan yang berdampak pada bocornya pengeluaran Anda. Ketahui kesalahan keuangan yang biasanya dilakukan saat melakukan anggaran bulanan. Selamat membaca! https://www.finansialku.com/6-kesalahan-keuangan-di-tahun-2018/

Submission + - How to decrement the risks and threats your Car is facing (wordpress.com)

An anonymous reader writes: If you own a car then you are certainly at a risk of dangerous repercussions like theft, damage of car, destruction of car property due to accident or collisions and due to other factors like destruction of motor materials due to some reason. These factors can surely back-fire you and can trap you in a serious crisis. Before insuring any auto you should careful check and research. Car insurance covers for all your loss and damages provided the damages are caused by outsider party and/or by you unintentionally.

Comment Re:Democracy is how you remove a government (Score 1) 498

Look at the [median] person and then realize half the people are dumber than him.

FTFY. Now, if you want to talk about averages, medians, and Gaussian distributions, that's normally all well and good for the population size of the electorate. But I've been on Twitter. The outliers lie really far out.

Comment Re:Road capacity (Score 1) 275

All indications so far is that the average speed goes down for automatic cars; not only the driving speed, but the amount of stops. Which delays other cars too.

When we have lots of AVs with V2V then we will be able to do platooning, and then you will be able to put more vehicles on the road even if they are going slower because they will be closer together.

I watched an interview with Bob Lutz a while back where he proposed that the future of the automobile is a bunch of self-driving minivans with legally mandated shape/size envelopes to maximize platooning efficiency, where the only real differences between different marques are minor styling cues and the quality of interiors. I think we're some long way away from that, but I do think that's a plausible (if dark) future for the automobile.

User Journal

Journal Journal: a ch cha viêm l tuyn c t cung ti tphcm uy tin

Viêm l tuyn c t cung là bnh ngày càng ph bin ch em ph n. Tìm a ch cha viêm l tuyn c t cung âu tt, an toàn và không lo tái phát http://chuabenhsuimaoga.biz/dia-chi-chua-viem-lo-tuyen-co-tu-cung-tai-tphcm-uy-tin/

Comment Re:Not a Constitutional issue (Score 1) 180

Exactly. For example, California has a minimum $800/year sales tax remittance for all businesses. If your sales taxes collected throughout the year add up to less than $800 - you still have to pay $800. Even if you had one sale in the State, for $0.01 in tax - you have to pay $800, minimum. If you're not doing at least $10,000 worth of sales into California, you would be money ahead to ban ALL sales into the State of California.

Comment Re:Thanks, no thanks (Score 1) 275

The roads are sheer ice out there right now. I wouldn't trust a human driver let alone an automated one. Something tells me the folks in Mountain View California haven't tested their cars in weather like this.

The problem is not the ice. The car is better at dealing with that than you are. The problem is seeing. Your eyes, for all their faults, are pretty amazing things when backed up by your brain, for which similar statements might be made. The car is better than you are at sensing what it is doing, when a wheel is slipping, and the like, but it's not quite as good at making sense of extremely low-quality input. People are testing autonomous vehicles in poor weather now, but you're right that none of them are really ready to operate in very poor weather conditions today.

Comment Re:Right... (Score 1) 54

any lockpick or gun manufacturer that advertises and markets their product specifically for use in criminal activities will most definitely be shut down. not sure why the fuck you would compare accidents, it would be more any car manufacturer that advertises a feature to evade police cars so you can drive home drunk or avoid being caught after commiting a robbery and likewise they would be in deep shit real fast.

Submission + - Cách sp xp bàn làm vic gn gàng (ghevanphong.org)

ghevanphong writes: Cht lng công vic ca bn c liên quan mt thit n góc làm vic. Khi chúng c sp xp gn gàng âu vào ó ngha là bn có ng lc và t duy cho công vic. Nhng làm th nào gi c chic bàn làm vic luôn ngn np?
User Journal

Journal Journal: Personal Injury Lawyer in Miami - Benefits to Hiring A Personal Injury Attorney

Experiencing a personal injury accident is difficult enough, but facing the legal battle is a whole separate battle in itself. At Florida Legal, justice is our only goal. Our practice is dedicated to representing individuals who have been injured, killed, or who have had their property destroyed. Hiring a personal injury lawyer in Miami is in the best interest of your financial health and stress level. http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6ciof2

Comment Re:Safer than humans (Score 1) 275

Every other year there's some news article about kids throwing cinder blocks off an interstate overpass and killing someone. It's sad, and it happens, but thankfully given that there's ~80 million minors in the US, it's almost a rounding error in the general population.
Castro street is mostly one lane in each direction, with bike lane on either side for most of it. What is funny is that the cars, even though they know they have right of way in the car lane, and I am cycling in the bike lane, will creep along behind me riding my bike along at 10mph, because it's a no-pass, and there's not enough margin for error between me in my lane, and the car passing me safely in their lane.
That's amazing, I can no longer count the number of times drivers have gotten angry for me taking my lane when it's two lanes in each direction. But it's super easy to slow these things down, they're nowhere near as aggressive as even the most timid human driver, at least when it comes to cyclists. The last thing Google/Waymo wants is a road pizza pedestrian/cyclist in the news, destroying their credibility with the public. But until that day happens, I trust a self-driving car over humans any day.

Comment Re:Of course not (Score 1) 275

I don't see a computer going to those extremes, even if it'll prevent most "mundane" accidents.

Actually, I was just watching something fairly recently (this story would be cooler if I could remember what, it was probably Autoline) and somebody was talking about their autonomous vehicle having recently been given the ability to rapidly switch lanes to avoid accidents. There is no reason why they can't make it go to the shoulder.

As for the rest, I think that stuff is coming as well. The vehicle isn't going to decide to harm someone else to save you, but it might decide to harm you to save you from death. That is, if the vehicle determines that it can get your speed down to something reasonable before it spits you off of the road and into a cornfield or even a tree, it may well decide to do that. And I really do believe that it won't be all that long before all vehicles are required to carry a V2V beacon as terms of registration, so your vehicle will be in a good position to determine whether a vehicle which looks like it's going to kill you is actually going to kill you, and thus whether it should consider such drastic actions.

Comment Re:Simple (Score 1) 498

Another advantage we have here (Canada) is simple elections. Federal is one election, Provincial is a completely different election. For both you vote for one member of the legislature. Municipal are on a different day again, but more complex.
Counting almost always is over, or at least close enough to over to call it, the night of the election.

Comment Re:Use to stop illegal voters (Score 1) 498

Not that it matters to you, but in any system that is easily cheated there are lots of cheaters who never get caught. And few things are as easy as voting multiple times, or as a non-citizen, than in some state of the U.S.

Even if no-one is cheating now just the fact there is a huge potential to do so means it's hard to rely on election results, and you need those to be very solid in a democracy since so much hinges on electing a representative.

Comment Re:Simple (Score 1) 498

The paper system is far to easy to control and rig.

A better solution is to use computers in a way that provides a reasonable amount of certainty.

The way to do this would be via something like blockchain and public keys. Then make the entire voting record public after each election, but in it's encrypted form.

Anyone could check that their vote wasn't tampered with, and the results would still be secret. There would be far less failure to accept the result of an election if people had more certainty that the outcome wasn't tampered with.

My vote and your vote is not going to be tampered with. That's not how election interference is done.
Modern day tampering is done through votes cast by people who do not exist, or cast in the name of people who did not vote, or by people who should not vote.

I can see how a blockchain could help maintain the integrity of vote talleys being transmitted from the polling places to the central location.
I doubt it's necessary, though.
The existing method in my state (probably most states) of ensuring that there's no tampering between polling places, counting places is pretty air-tight, IMHO.
Basically what happens is each individual polling place makes their counts and uploads their counts to a central server. This process is observed by the pollworkers of the political parties participating in the election. Those counts are then posted publically by the state so anyone can do the arithmetic, and each polling place and political party can verify that the votes they counted match the state's total.
The difference between having humans verify counts and computers is that humans are far more paranoid and suspicious than computers.

This would also allow voting from home via the Internet, so polling places and the associated problems with them would disappear.

After this... Who cares about the mechanics such as how the vote is tallied. That would be something that changes over time based on other factors and cultural drives.

Voting from home requires that you can guarantee the integrity of everyone's home computer including those who vote, and especially those who did not intend to vote, as in that case a bot could cast for vote in the name of that person from the home computer.

Polling places are necessary. It's the only way to ensure secret ballots.
The purpose of public voting places is to allow secret ballots and to prevent in-person coercion, and voting by impaired persons. With voting from home, or other such non-regulated places, family members, workers, union members, cults, and so on can be coerced because the person doing the coercion can view the ballot being cast.
A real-world example is that of organizations going into nursing/retirement homes and pseudo-assisting with absentee ballots. However, some states are passing laws to prevent that particular abuse by requiring the use of pollworkers to assist with absentee voting from institutions.

Comment Re:Safer than humans (Score 1) 275

This makes me think that once self driving cars become more common, some people (especially kids) are going to start to "mess with them" on purpose just for fun, which is going to cause annoyance and maybe even accidents.

It might cause accidents, but only if a human driver is following them too close and runs into them. Not only will the following vehicle be watching for stuff like that, and not following too closely, but the vehicles will also be communicating about potential panic stops (and the actual panic stop) via V2V.

It will also be made explicitly illegal, and the cops can use the time they used to use catching traffic violators busting people trolling AVs.

Submission + - Pest Control Penrith (slideshare.net)

fallspestcontrol1 writes: For all those who are keen to live in a healthy and pest-proof #home in #Penrith, a company offering top-notch #pest_control #treatment Penrith services is Falls Pest Control. They offer prompt and personalized services at the fairest prices. To get more details, check Fallspestcontrol.com.au

Comment Re:Take the average of the desires of the voters (Score 1) 498

I don't believe candidate/party X will do what they claim

I guess that does leave a hole where a party is regularly reserving the opposite vote of what they want, but I would think doing so would confuse the members of the party, and would be a self correcting situation.

Comment Re:Remember Slashdot beta? (Score 1) 113

You need to understand the basic definitions.

Snapchat is the vendor. The advertisers are the ones who pay it. They are the customers. The people who use snapchat to exchange photos and message are called the product. The company will fall at the feet of the customers, and do what they demand.

They will make it annoying and difficult to use. If you are not paying for it, you are NOT the customer.

Comment Re:Denial (Score 0) 177

When you have a quart of sewage and add a teaspoon of wine, you have a quart of sewage. When you have a quart of wine and you add a teaspoon of sewage, you have a quart of sewage. That's the problem.

The mainstream media, which you could argue is adversarial, but what we have is not adversarial. We have a partisan opposition press which works hand in glove with the Democrats. This totally threatens the First Amendment, because when people figure out, which they have, that they can not only tell you who you must vote for, but they can tell you what truth you're allowed to know or not to know, this is hugely damaging to our Republic. As we have seen in all of this other stuff with Russia, all of the stuff with the Clinton Foundation, all these things. The real question becomes why do we need a First Amendment if they're not going to do their job, which is to be the tribune of the people and instead become the partisans of a political movement.

Submission + - Cara Alami Mengobati Asidosis - Pengobatan Alternatif (tokogamatwalatra.com)

An anonymous reader writes: Menderita penyakit asidosis? bingung mencari cara yang tepat untuk mengobatinya? jika demikian anda tidak perlu cemas, karena kini telah ada cara jitu mengobati asidosis secara alami yang mampu dengan efektif mengobati penyakit asidosis dengan cepat serta aman, yaitu dengan Obat alami QnC Jelly Gamat.

Comment It's not just about electronics though, is it? (Score 1) 498

The most obvious change needed in the US is that voting needs to not be optional: Bump individual tax rates by 1-2% and make voting get you it back.

We should also look to make the campaign durations shorter so that they don't have the time to get into mud-slinging and filth and focus on issues.

Comment Re:Good! (Score 1) 393

I refuse to consider "positive prejudice" positive. If anything, it's demeaning. I would NOT want to be hired for my skin, age, gender, sexual orientation or anything but my qualification. Being the "quota ni..." is about the WORST kind of workplace situation you could get into, with everyone thinking that you only got the job because of your sex/race/age..., that you drag the whole team down because you only got hired because of your sex/race/age/... and not because you actually can DO it.

How would you feel if you spent long and hard years learning your job and actually being GOOD at it, only to constantly feel like you don't really deserve the job you have and that everyone thinks you only got it because of your sex/race/age... and not your qualification?

Because that's what you do to people if you try this "positive discrimination" bullshit. You antagonize people. And you take away these people's ability to claim their fame, because even in spite of anything they accomplish, there is still that "yeah, but they only got there for their sex/race/..."

Comment Re:Self-weighting of your vote in per-issue voting (Score 1) 498

I am all for a federal referendum process to create legislation and Amendments directly, similar to what California and other states have (150,000 signatures to get on the ballot, and then vote directly on the measure every 2 years). However, for day to day operations of the government, most people are too ill informed to vote with any competence.

That has nothing to do with computers though, paper ballots still work fine for the referendum process.

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