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Comment Sci Fi'ers vs. Trekkies (Score 2, Insightful) 594

So many comments about, "Why are they rehashing?!?!", or "Why are they going backwards?!?!", and "Why don't they create a new show with an unknown cast of characters in some future time..." The reason... Because the majority of the public probably won't come to find out what happens to your anonymous crew, on your here-to-fore anonymous ship in the equally anonymous new sector of space. Sci Fi is a hard sell mainstream, so good Sci Fi just doesn't make good financial sense. But you birth Bourne into the familiar Tibereus role, as a strapping young cadet, and you may just tap into the interest of serious, hard working, concerned with world affairs age bracket members that grew up with the corny sitcom.

It's always about the LIQUID. But lets wait and see. I mean, good can be financially good too... right???

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