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Comment Re:But the ID shouldn't have to be secret (Score 1) 59

A similar thing happens in the USA. It's not especially difficult to ID someone based on their Social Security Number and home address. The problem occurs when a lender foolishly extends credit to anyone based on that criteria alone. Rarely do they recover the money (although it does create quite a headache for the actual person). Most USA lending institutions do a much more thorough ID check nowadays. I would imagine that a bank or other business in South Korea would be smart not to exclusively use a Korean ID Number as establishment of identity.

Comment Fight for consumers (Score 2, Insightful) 211

It's good to see a big company actually fight for better prices for customers. I wish my cable company was like that. And before anyone gets me started, remember that monopolies are only abusive if they use their power to screw over the consumers; there is no antitrust protection for businesses to profit.

Comment Is drilling the cause? (Score 2) 102

From the article:

The study concludes that there is already about 50 percent more methane in the atmosphere than previously estimated by the Environmental Protection Agency, a signal that more methane is leaking from the natural gas production chain than previously thought.

So the EPA just came up with a guess, and now that they're wrong they blame it on leaky pipes? Methane is produced by many other sources besides drilling, including natural plant growth. Considering how poorly the CO2 alarmist models have matched actual global temperatures, the EPA definitely needs to study and understand the cause prior to enacting more regulations that will jack up my heating bill even further.

Comment Re:Read as... (Score 2) 165

Many inner city schools in the United States receive extra funding from the state and federal levels. They spend huge amounts of money per student compared to the national average and private schools. If your theory is correct, then Washington DC, New York City, and Los Angeles should have the best educated kids in the world. In actuality, the United States gets mediocre results despite spending the most of almost any nation on education, with low income areas receiving even more per student on average. Neither more money nor income equality are the solutions.

Comment Localized Global Warming? (Score 1) 279

The report recommends cutting emissions to control the weather. As if their lower carbon air will somehow hover only over Australia to keep temperatures down, while China and the other high polluters in Southeast Asia will hold in the heat. If only Australia can experience man-made global warming despite no global temperature increase in the past 10 years, surely they can cool off via the same mechanism as well!

Comment Re:This is already being done (Score 3, Insightful) 271

As a side note, the United States is already one of the biggest spenders on education, and yet gets very mediocre results.


So even if they decide to throw a lot more funding for this STEM education it is unlikely to have any real impact.

Comment Re:Uh, that's a huge spread (Score 3, Insightful) 226

I suppose I'm considering a longer term buying and usage scale. The article mentions the high prices were December 11th, and the low prices were December 24th. It is concerning to me that my appliances might not operate for 13 days at a time until the price drops again. Certainly price aware appliances are a good idea, and could be combined with a battery or storage mechanism. But ideally I want to buy electricity at 0.50 euros/MWh, store it and ignore high prices while I continue to use my appliances at arbitrary times, buy additional electricity when the price falls again, and then laugh at anyone who paid 35 euros/MWh because they got their electricity from conventional generation while mine was generated and stored from renewable.

Comment Re:Uh, that's a huge spread (Score 3, Informative) 226

That is one of the problems with wind and solar: they are unpredictable. Free markets cannot "smooth it out" for consumers, because if there is large-scale reliance on renewable and the wind/solar generation fails, then there will be a shortage of conventional fossil-fuel/hydro/nuclear generated power. A better solution may be the development of longer term energy storage and batteries, such that consumers can buy at low prices and avoid buying at higher prices.

Comment Re:Measurement of utility (Score 1) 146

I think that's the point of the experiment, to create more life-like situations to attempt to find out how people would actually react in real life. A test that actualls kills people would be obviously immoral. But would people react differently from a text description of events? What happens if we someday create a simulation so life-like that human participants believe the virtual victims are real? We can't answer that yet, but we're inching closer and closer. And it appears that we are trending towards "save more people" rather than "protect those in the right-of-way" or "don't change events if it leads to someone else's death".

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