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Comment Re:The best gift? (Score 5, Informative) 113

I don't even know who this guy is, but this article is horrible. It's unnecessarily long, it's factually misleading due to his ignorance (iPhone is the only phone with batteries not user-replaceable? Really?), and terribly edited (they still haven't corrected his typo about fingernail polish DRYING, even after someone pointed it out and the author responded with sarcasm).

I'm not sure I'd blame the author. It seems the people who edit Slashdot are incompetent and/or are not getting enough quality submissions from the community. Perhaps Slashdot is dying?

Comment Re:goes to show (Score 1) 463

Pray tell, what jurisdiction does CDC or NIH have to be "all over" anything? None whatsoever.

They don't have to use brute force. All they have to do is give the hospital advice and make public statements when the hospital refuses to follow the advice. Between public opinion and lawsuit liability, enough leverage will be produced to successfully "encourage" the hospital to follow expert advice.

The CDC could definitely flex more muscles if it wanted. It doesn't want to. It thrives on a populace that is afraid and thinks the CDC will save them. The CDC wants to balance public opinion so that CDC looks very necessary because of the threat, but that the threat is not so great that the people start to panic or think that even the CDC can't help.

Comment Re:symbols, caps, numbers (Score 5, Insightful) 549

Not only that, but remember multiple different passwords like that, because some websites/databases don't allow the carat symbol.

I have over 20 different passwords for different sites at work. Some of them don't allow a password under 12 characters, some don't allow a password over 8 characters. Some don't allow a number or symbol in the first space. Some only allow 6 different symbols to be used. Some don't allow capital letters. Some require capital letters.

It's insane. It's not possible for my coworkers to remember them all, so they get written down, which certainly doesn't increase security. Many times people keep their passwords in their phones. Some write them down on paper and keep them in their wallet. Some folks leave them on notes in their cubicle.

Then, to top it off, some require the password to change every 30 days. Some every 60 days. Some every 90 days.

These insane attempts to force password security have actually destroyed it.

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