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Comment Re:First blacks, (Score 1) 917

And if not enough camera shops are willing to sell to gay people, or even to photographers that will work with gay people? You might see the business opportunity, but if you can't get the supplies that you need, your business won't succeed.

If only 5% of businesses refuse service, it probably isn't an issue. If 50% of businesses refuse service, it probably will be an issue. Tyranny of small decisions is not a logical proof, only a potential outcome.

Comment Re:First blacks, (Score 4, Interesting) 917

It's obvious to me -- in that it trips my bullshit meter -- that posting a sign at the Circle K on the corner that says, "Sorry, no homos." is wrong - deeply wrong - but I can't make a logical argument against the business that doesn't get into businesses being dependent on roads and police and fire and other government services, and as such, the government can make rules that force you to cater to your enemies. Businesses need licenses, and depend on state services -- after that, I got nothing. Let the shitty businesses out themselves as close-minded bigots.

It's sort of a tragedy of the commons (it looks like tyranny of small decisions is a more accurate name). If you allow discrimination in "private" business, you reduce the availability of some product or service to the group that you're discriminating against. If the availability gets reduced enough, you begin to get a class of people that can't participate in the economy, or even in society at all, because there's simply no way for everyone in that group to get what they're trying to buy, even if they have the money. Obviously this is a much bigger issue when it comes to basic necessities like food and housing, but it can still cause problems for general consumer goods and services.

Comment Re:Psych's in general (Score 1) 166

From the stories I've heard from people that have dealt with psychologists (particularly assigned ones), is that they tend to be fairly dismissive an uncaring in general. Your experience may have been more because it was a psychologist than them being with VA.

Just to provide a little counterargument, can you imagine what it would be like for doctors, especially psychologists and psychiatrists, if they did start caring that much about every patient? After a couple years, they would be the ones needing the full-time care.

Comment Re:Tango DropBox (Score 2) 251

I know the Slashdot meme of Apple suing over 'rounded corners' is prevalent. However, the actual design patent Apple were suing over contained numerous clauses (including operational UI elements as rendered by software) that the courts evaluate for infringement as a whole. It had nothing to do with Apple claiming violation of a singular clause of their design patent.

The meme comes directly from the design patent.

Comment Re: Alleged Apple patents on Android (Score 3, Interesting) 249

It looks like the patent license only applies to their contrbutions, though ("where such license applies only to those patent claims licensable by such Contributor that are necessarily infringed by their Contribution(s) alone or by combination of their Contribution(s) with the Work"). So if they don't submit any changes, maybe other than device drivers, they could still use their patents against other Android manufacturers.

Comment Re:Alleged Apple patents on Android (Score 1) 249

Of course there is. Apple isn't allowed to distribute copies of Android to the public except under license from Linus Torvalds, Google, and other contributors to Android. If Apple accepts the license of Android (mostly Apache v2 and GPLv2), it has to give the public an implicit or explicit license to patents that Apple holds that Android allegedly infringes. So unless Apple wants to end up dropping lawsuits against Samsung, it has to refrain from making an iDroid.

Is what you said true, though? Does the APL and GPL require granting the public a license to all of Apple's patents, or does it only require granting a license to users of the software when they use the software (i.e. you can't distribute some GPL software and then sue the people that got it from you)?

I haven't read the licenses lately, and I don't care enough to go read them right now, so that is a genuine question.

Comment Re:I think I'm missing something... (Score 1) 129

I thought that if you don't assert your patent from day one, then you can't cry foul later on. How long have they been sitting on this thing, only to turn around and start suing everyone after the process became wide spread.

That is mostly true. You aren't allowed to wait to tell someone that they infringe your patent just to get more damages. If you do (and you get caught), then you can only get money for the time up until you figured out that they were infringing.

Having said that, I don't know the details of this case, so I don't know how that rule might apply.

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