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Comment Re:Easy of porting over is the key (Score 4, Funny) 199

and shipping a title for a platform when it doesn't actually work on that platform, or has issues that nobody ever even bothered to check because they don't want to spend any time on QA for the platform is worse for the company's PR than not shipping the title for that platform in the first place.

Then why is EA shipping games for any platform at all?

Comment Re:Gonna see a Net Neutrality Fee (Score 5, Insightful) 631

Because of course they've avoided raising their rates out of the kindness of their hearts, but all of this new regulation is forcing them to do it against their will.

I keep hearing from free-market capitalists that prices would naturally trend towards whatever the market will bear. If that's true, then regulation would never increase prices. After all, if the sellers could get away with raising the price, they would have already done so.

Comment Re: Screw your laws (Score 2) 193

Parasitic in that they hose their drivers. They produce nothing of real value, they just take a cut. Like a racketeer.

I don't really care about Uber personally, but it's a bit disingenuous to say that they provide no value at all. There is some non-zero value to the infrastructure for connecting customers with drivers that they maintain. I doubt it's worth $40 billion, but it's worth more than nothing.

Comment Re:Nothing new. (Score 2) 248

as we all know, if a bad actor behaves badly and there is no punishment, what reason does he have to change his bad ways?

the fact that the US fellates all corporations, as a form of religion, is what allows them to continue the bad behavior. in fact, it encourages it by rewarding 'profit, above all else'.

it really seems clear to me that we have chosen the wrong 'god' to worship. profit, above all else, WILL be our downfall. it has started already and many of us see it. but our words are not being heard ;(

It started with a good idea: make it so that a person who makes a mistake running their business can't be sued into personal oblivion. If you remove that major risk factor, it will encourage (or more accurately, not heavily discourage) more people to start their own businesses. Eventually, though, corporations got big enough that they could use this merely to shield themselves from the consequences of any actions they take, so there's no risk at all to doing things that would likely destroy most small businesses.

This is why we can't have nice things.

Comment Re:They bowed to the NSA (Score 1) 171

HTTP/2 over TLS could have been made mandatory.

Not if they're adhering to the OSI networking model. HTTP is an Application protocol, while encryption is a Presentation layer function. There shouldn't be any dependencies between layers.

Comment Re:A good strategy (Score 1) 85

Having now read TFA, I must partially retract my previous statement. Venturebeat isn't raising the angry mob, but Slashdot is.

No, it's not just Slashdot. It's also whoever came up with this line (either VentureBeat or the company's marketing department):

for example, substituting in synonyms or reordering steps in a process, thereby generating tens of thousands of potentially patentable inventions.

First, substituting synonyms doesn't really work. Within a patent's claims, different words are presumed to have different meanings (i.e. if you meant the same thing in two places, you would have used the same word). So if you have one claim that says something is "big" and another claim that says something is "large", with the rest of the two claims being identical, you'll need to explain the difference between "big" and "large", or else one of the claims will be invalidated.

Second, the steps in a method patent are considered unordered, unless some language imposes an ordering, such as saying, "After X, doing Y". Simply reordering the steps in a method does not by itself create a different invention, so one of the two claims would be invalid.

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