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Comment Re:This is not 'How to'. It's moralising (Score 1) 834

To which you don't even offer a reply.

Because I have not the slightest interest to write more than absolutely necessary to a pseudo-neutral feminism apologists.

YouTube is full of those new-nazi souls with tits and their followers. As it is full of posts, which debunk their lies. Most even in a total non-aggressive way. One example? Here:

And whenever /. brings another feminazi propaganda article, there are always a dozen members, who explain, research and document what feminism really means.

I am sick of it. I am done with this cesspool /. and just burn my karma. See how low it can get. And hey, every down vote I get cannot be used against one of the 'good' posters anymore.

Comment Re:misogynists on the intarwebz? WHAT U SAY? (Score 1) 834

Now he called me a liar, too.... All because I am a man. I did absolutely nothing to deserve this. I only pointed out some of the problems we men have when we voice our concerns on the internet and immediately one of those misandrists appear and try to shut me up. I am sure next I get death threats. :'-) :'-) :'-)

Comment Re:Not again.. (Score 1) 834

I suggest you start with youtubing a few videos critiquing sarkeesians videos. Internet Aristocrat and thunderf00t come to mind,


Just a serious question to the better-people here:
What is worse? Pointing people to Internet Aristocrat and thunderf00t? Or sending death threats to feminists?

I mean... yes, death threats are bad, but Internet Aristocrat and thunderf00t could have a more long reaching bad effect on the feminists movement.

Comment Re:Fuck off already. (Score 1) 834

Oh suuuure... hundreds of films on YouTube against sarkeesian/quinn/dina/wu... All of them: Stupid women. What who let them out of the kitchen? Sluts to show their faces in public. Oh... and look how ugly those bitches are.

Btw... what did sarkeesian/quinn/dina/wu say? As proper misogynist I never listend to a single word of them.

Only for you: Sarcasm.

Comment Re:misogynists on the intarwebz? WHAT U SAY? (Score 1, Troll) 834

Can you show me any evidence that these people would treat men they disagreed with any better?

This clearly shows how misogynist you are. I suppose you are white, straight and male? Who cares how men are treated? Not automatically believing a woman is a sure sign of misogyny. Ok, ok... almost a sure sign... If a loud feminists declares this woman wrong, you are allowed to nod... a little.

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