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Comment Re:Thank Greeks and Microsoft for your iWatches! (Score 1) 51

You do realize that these systems are connected to the Internet? The same Internet that everyone else is connected to. The fact that the server is in the middle of the ocean is irrelevant. As is the fact (true enough) that a significant fraction of commercial shipping is run by Greek firms.

I suppose it being in Greek might be an example of security by obscurity, but it's just TCP/IP and the same Microsoft code that everyone else uses.

Comment Re: i don't understand the premise of the post (Score 1) 254

why are you amazed and dismayed at people reacting to a threat?

why aren't you amazed and dismayed at the loser douchebag making the threat?

who needs to threaten people except a malicious person or a stupid and violent person?

most of it is empty, yes, until one asshole delivers. so you have to take it seriously as no one socially normal or well-intentioned makes violent threats

it is MEANT to cause fear

that's the actual problem genius!

that's how freedom is curtailed: by making you question your safety where you should feel secure

Comment Re: i don't understand the premise of the post (Score 1) 254

franklin's quote is ridiculously overused because security of course is a necessary thing in this world. it of course can go to far, but what amazes me are internet tough guys who think all prudent responsible reaction to threats is hysterical overreaction. these same internet tough guys will be going "the police heard the threats, why didn't they do anything!" because such losers don't argue form the position of right or wrong or logical coherence, just empty criticism without any intelligence or integrity

Comment Re:The 30 and 40-somethings wrote the code... (Score 1) 553

I find it most ironic when I watch people chase technology like phones. They have a smartphone. It has X features and does Y things. They only use it for 10%X and 15%Y, but immediately upgrade to the new phone that has 150%X and 140%Y capabilities when they're still only going to use ten to fifteen percent of the capabilities.

So? I might be a shitty photographer, but I'm going to be less terrible with a better camera and smarter auto modes. I'm sure there's many ways I haven't taken full advantage of my computer, I've still upgraded it every so often. Phones advance at a fairly rapid pace even if users don't.

Comment Re:EEO bullshit (Score 3, Insightful) 553


This is one of the biggest bullshit laws I've ever seen. Let's say I don't want to hire you because you're old. EEO laws simply mean that I can't say it in your face that you're old. Instead, i send you the standard HR rejection e-mail and we're all good. Sight, I hate seeing my tax $$ going to waste drafting these stupid laws.


This is one of the biggest bullshit laws I've ever seen. Let's say I don't want to hire you because you're [black]. EEO laws simply mean that I can't say it in your face that you're [black]. Instead, i send you the standard HR rejection e-mail and we're all good. Sight, I hate seeing my tax $$ going to waste drafting these stupid laws.

You're right, certain bits hasn't changed much...

Comment Fluff piece (Score 1) 65

GNU/Linux distributions provide great advantages over proprietary alternatives for people with disabilities. All the accessibility tools included in Linux are open source, meaning their code is readily available if you want to examine or improve it, and cost nothing.

Because disabled people are so looking for a DIY solution. I'll give you the one about cost, but aids for the disabled are usually sold or given away far under their actual cost due to ideal organizations, corporate PR, government aid and so on unless you're making a business specifically for the disabled.

Developers who do not depend on assistive technologies tend to forget - or don't know - that a disabled person might want to use their application, read their web page, and so on. ... The problem is not necessarily that developers do not care.

Oh please, the open source community is 95% driven by scratching your own itch. Very few do any real effort to make it easier for other people to use in general, disabled or not. Which of course doesn't mean that we're heartless bastards, we do care that there are children starving in Africa and a blind guy who can't use your app. Just not enough to ever get around to it.

Rather, it's is that accessibility is highly specialized and requires someone with knowledge in the area, regardless of platform.

Yes, but it's usually not rocket surgery if you care enough to explore it. The few times I've dabbled in it I've found that often takes a lot of effort that doesn't benefit anyone but the disabled, the way a wheelchair user needs a ramp where a step works fine for everybody else. Or in other words, even if you know what you're doing it still takes time, that I certainly wouldn't want to spend on a hobby project.

Comment Re:Thank god they're using Tor (Score 4, Informative) 26

sniffing one node won't help

sniffing a lot of nodes won't help

sniffing ALL of them (or, in practice, at least the great majority) let's you do timing, target, and content analysis: taking the entire firehose of tor exit node packets, inspecting them, profiling them, and drawing the connections

this is obviously not remotely doable for almost all organizations in the world. except an organization with the reach, resources, and abilities of the NSA. would you really be surprised if the NSA was actively seeking and tracking almost all tor exit nodes in the world? i wonder how many tor nodes the NSA just flat out started in the first place on their own initiative to guarantee a sizable chunk of awareness of what is going in and out

such a difficult effort will get you some useful information. not everything, and not all the time. but you *will* find out some interesting things, some of the time

thus, "kinda sorta figure out who you might be"

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