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Comment Re:careful what you wish for (Score 4, Interesting) 419

But that's not how Google works. They take the content for free then charge money for it (indirectly through advertising), giving nothing back to the source. They're a middle-man that never pays their suppliers.

They don't take content: they extracct a small part of the content (the title and a small summary). That's called fair use.

Newspapers do the exact same thing: they take some content created by someone else (like a rioter burning a car), take a small part of that content (a photograph of the burning car), then charge users to see this extract (by having them pay for the newspaper), and give nothing back to the source.

Comment Re:Why not use tools that help do it? (Score 5, Insightful) 288

Developers should not install it. Nor should they help install it. If the Configuration Management team cannot do it themselves, then they need to send it back to the developer for better packaging or instructions.

As a (web) developper, I strongly agree.
I'll just add that the Configuration Management team should have some knowledge about the software and the environment they manage.

I've often seen software come back because sombody did'nt have a clue what their job was. ("prerequisite: apache 2.x" should be enough for anyone: I don't have time to write a doc about how to install standard software, especially when I don't know the target server configuration)

Comment Re:Uh... Howzat? (Score 3, Interesting) 80

A mutation could happen in single cell, ar a group of cells during the tree growth, and then a leaf or an entire branch spawns from this cell.

If cells in tree nodes are for some reason likely to be the subject of mutations, it's easy to imagine natural selection occuring at a cell level, with a branch growing from the fittest cells.

Comment Re:Good news everyone! (Score 1) 433

Exept when unlockable content just doesn't work:

In short, this guy made a game where you have the first few levels for free, then you can pay to unlock many more levels. Despite the game having great reviews on most websites and great ratings in google play, it has more than 11k downloads, and has been unlocked 22 times in three weeks of existence.

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