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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 6 declined, 0 accepted (6 total, 0.00% accepted)


Submission + - Microsoft Shuts Down AutoPatcher 2

Gazzonyx writes: It appears that Microsoft has demanded that AutoPatcher, a free patching solution that allows you to get patches via bittorrent, shutdown. Although AutoPatcher could be used as a way of getting around WGA authentication for patches, it was stated that they were afraid of security issues; although AutoPatcher had its own built in measures to make sure that the program would only install's patches, which were unaltered patches from Microsoft. AutoPatcher has been providing patches for 4 years.

Submission + - Choosing an Enterprise Linux Server Stack

Gazzonyx writes: I'm a complete code monkey; I end up trying every language that I can get my hands on, (yet always go back to C++ at the end of the day) and my editors of choice are vi, Eclipse and PSPad. I'm a software development major and I've invested all that I'm making this summer working into building a real server to replace my old sub-gigahertz box that holds my code repository. As far as a good, versatile, modular, software stack goes, what would you seasoned vets recommend? Should I just load up a JBoss stack? Would it be be more versatile to use an Oracle stack and play with Business Intelligence reporting tools and have a database backend tied in? Should I look into Novell's stack or IBMs Websphere stuff over at the AlphaWorks? Or would it be worth it to mix and match various stacks? What have been your experiences developing web apps with different database backends? There are so many configurations to play with and only so little time! Tell me what you love and hate about whatever product you've had to work with, and if you'd use it of your own free will, given the choice!

Side Note:
I'd like to work my lacking Java skills with a J2EE web application server; I'm also thinking about learning a bit of PHP and database programming. For kicks and giggles I've picked up a copy of Flex Builder 2 and Expressions Studio through the school for $100 each. I figure that any way I go, I can use Eclipse as a centralized environment, except for the .NET stuff, obviously. So long as I can keep building on the project as a means to play with (and break) everything from a SQL backend to a multi-language front end framework, I'll be happy!

Submission + - Windows Longhorn Continues Development

Gazzonyx writes: According to an article just posted at softpedia, a group of developers have decided to continue coding Windows Longhorn. What's more, the 'Technical Refresh' release of the M1 release is available for download as a torrent at this moment!

The developers over at Longhorn Reloaded describe the project as:

Longhorn Reloaded is a Project dedicated to the revival of the Operating System known as Code Name "Longhorn". To put the projects aims simply, we aim to finish off what Microsoft started before the operating system was canceled. It is a modification of Windows 6.0.4074, which was originally released during the 2004 Windows Hardware Engineers Conference.
The project's web site even includes the serial, to boot (no pun intended)! Microsoft hasn't yet responded to this project other than releasing a statement to the effect of, "modification and distribution of the source for the official Longhorn Beta, is against the EULA."

How can Microsoft claim any wrongdoing on the part of Linux while this project is allowed to live? Should they even care?
Operating Systems

Submission + - Linux and Solaris face off

Gazzonyx writes: Reader responses to Linux versus Solaris. This short article quotes readers from both ends of the spectrum, in regards to their opinion, about which operating system they prefer, and why.

Oliver Jones provides an even-handed summary: "I've been a stalwart Solaris x86 user for many years now — I refuse to run Linux on my hardware, when Solaris makes the penguin look decidedly second-rate." For reliability, he says: "I truly can't fault the Sun option: I consider that if Solaris is good enough for the banks, it's good enough for me."

But, he also says: "To be honest, Solaris isn't without issues — the number one I see at the moment is the user experience (especially with regard to hardware support). Sun really needs to plough some more development resources into hardware support, but we're getting there: Solaris x86 is absolutely fantastic compared to how it was in 2004, but it still has a while to go. Having the likes of Nvidia on-board is great, and hopefully the hardware support will accrete with time — as more people see the benefits of going Sun."

Submission + - Trixbox 2.0

Gazzonyx writes: VOIP with a web based RPM setup — what more need I say?

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