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Comment Re:BSES (Score 1) 169

I would presume "real" ones. There apparently is still such a huge need for software engineers that they keep bringing in H1-B candidates. If a software engineer is unemplo.....errrr working at Starbucks, they aren't trying. Even if they took a pay cut from normal software engineer wages, it's bound to be more than Starbucks barristas make.

Comment Re:Why? (Score 1) 309

Not really. Its for wrapping Web apps in a container for a specific platform (in other words running "natively" outside of a browser -- technically, it's a customized browser wrapper around resources that are compiled into your code, not downloaded --- at least if you want to pass iOS certification).

That being said, the HTML application cache allows you to download a web app and store it for offline use. (http://www.html5rocks.com/en/tutorials/appcache/beginner/). You can hit a URL that uses the app cache, download the code, and then go into airplane mode and hit the same URL. The app will still work. (Obviously all data must be cached locally as well, since Web Services aren't available in airplane mode.)

Comment Re:Why? (Score 1) 309

I've used the HTML5 application cache to store a web app (HTML + Javascript) and run it offline ((http://www.html5rocks.com/en/tutorials/appcache/beginner/). It works well enough if your app is small enough. This includes using libraries such as jQuery for nice animations, etc. "Deployment" is easy because it will check for updates every time the user is online, so you just push the web code like normal and the user will be able to run the updated app offline.

Comment Re:Windows (Score 1) 611

The same can be said for Win8. Once you know all of the tricks and only use the tile screen as a "full-screen start menu with updating icons" and just start typing when it's up to find stuff, it's really not bad.

The Win8.1 tweaks more or less "fix" all of those issues for the complainers, but I've been happy with it since it was just Win8.

Comment Re:environmental benefits (Score 1) 339

This was my thought. I can say that I rarely re-watch a DVD.....but also buy fewer these days. I rent from Redbox for new releases. That one DVD is probably viewed on the order of 10 times in the first two weeks of release. Probably 25 times over the shelf-life of the movie. Is that enough to justify it?

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