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Comment Re:Mental illness is no laughing matter (Score 1) 421

I'm not sure what the case is in your/his jurisdiction, but in the Province of Ontario (Canada), there is a designation of 'vexatious litigant' that can be applied to someone who wastes the court's time with repeated frivolous lawsuits. A person designated as a 'vexatious litigant' cannot initiate proceedings without a judge's permission.

Comment Why does this matter? (Score 1) 1505

Many large banks (I imagine this applies to enterprises above some size, but I happen to have direct knowledge of banks in this regard) decide how much tax they will pay in any given year as a matter of policy, as opposed to a matter of accounting. The tax laws are sufficiently complex that with a little creativity, they easily could pay zero tax. Instead, they choose a tolerable level of tax that will not expose them to political grief.

Comment Spend in the right place (Score 1) 459

See Sugata Mitra's excellent TED talk. He makes the point that rather than deploying technology in support of education in places where the improvement is marginal, we should target it instead at places where teachers are either bad or non-existent, and where the impact will be larger.

I'll spoil some of his best lines: as part of their research on how kids can teach themselves, they dropped a hardened computer kiosk in a remote rural village where "they were assured that noone had ever taught anyone anything"... and left it for a few months for the kids there to play with. They came back to see what progress was being made, and the first kids they spoke to led with "Oh, it's your machine? Good. We need more RAM and a faster CPU, please."

Comment Is this a North American problem? (Score 1) 282

The 'provider so-and-so throttles traffic' story keeps coming up. My own Canadian telco is guilty of this. I keep hearing 'in Japan you can get 100MB/s consumer-grade service' or 'in France you can get 60MB/s'... but I never hear that a provider outside Canada and the US is shaping/throttling/whatever their traffic.

Is this truly a global problem that I just don't hear about because of my own media filter?

Comment Re:Dear poor schools..... (Score 4, Informative) 248

Interesting TED talk on the impact of technology on education:

The speaker begins by noting that technology has marginal impact where schools are already good, but huge impact where schools are bad or non-existent. He then discusses how his work shows that children collaborate in learning.

Also which in addition to some super cool eye candy graphs, points out the growing convergence of first-world and third-world problems.

A big ask where respondents are notorious for not RTFA, but I found both talks fascinating and hope that you do too.

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