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Comment Go with NVIDIA (Score 1) 278

After weeks of trying to get AMD/Gigabyte motherboard and video card to drive 4 displays on linux, it just didn't work.
Tried 3 different distros, god knows how many xorg confs and driver combinations.
In the end I broke down and bought a NVIDIA GTX 760 for the following reasons.
*Drive 4 displays in Linux no problem with HW Acceleration.
*4 displays can be driven at 1920x1080.
*OpenCV has Cuda support , nothing for OpenCL yet.
*Openscenegraph has Cuda library, nothing for OpenCL yet.
*The Nvidia settings manager actually works.
*Xrandr is is working correctly.

I am happy now, it just worked. I want to tell NVIDIA **** you also about the linux/drivers /open source issue but there shit is just working and I will pay for working linux driver.

Comment Re:Current? (Score 1) 509

You are either an IBM consultant or a moron. Let me see I have used pvcs,clearcase,sourcesafe,cvs,tfs,svn,mercurial,bazaar and git. Clearcase is by far the WORSE version control system in EXISTANCE,second only to pvcs. The version control model is completly broken, note UCM is just a hack on top base clearcase to compete with subversion. Clearcase also has the most subcommands and verbs out of any VCS out there, it makes command line for git look simple. You do know IBM has pretty much put it clearcase in legacy support mode, replaced by IBM RTC(subversion clone). Finally n your own words, it REQUIRES a PHD to set up a CLEARCASE, hilarious. Please do everyone a favor and shut up , you know nothing about version control and really just use clearcase as a crappy backup solution, not version control.

Comment Re:Very un-PC (Score 1) 719

"How remarkably topsy-turvy your universe is." These is going to be nothing but ad hominens but sometimes people just really need to be put in there place. I would have to bash my head against a wall over, and over and over and over and over and over and over, and you guessed some more head banging until I was practically brain dead to understand your point. For you logic is abosulty , without a doubt abosulte bullshit. I am raising the bullshit flag high and proud. Did you even read the news story? Or is reading ADN comprehension something that you struggle with . Finally did you even read the article , the IRS lawyer said that what the did was wrong. ( I smell lawsuits in the future. ) Finally I did find your baseball , stop by to pick it up.

Submission + - Blackhole spins at 84% of the speed of light (space.com)

bongey writes: "The enormous black hole at the center of the spiral galaxy NGC 1365 is spinning about 84 percent as fast as Einstein's general theory of relativity allows it to, researchers determined."

Submission + - Florida Sinkhole Highlights State's Geologic Instability

An anonymous reader writes: Last Thursday night, a sinkhole took the life of a man (TV news video, with ad) while he slept in his home in Seffner FL, near Tampa. While human fatalies are rare, sinkholes are so common in Florida that the insurance industry successfully lobbied the state lawmakers to pass legislation in 2011 making it more difficult for homeowners to claim sinkhole damages. The bedrock in Florida is limestone, a weakly soluble mineral formed from calcified deposits of sea creatures tens of millions of years ago. Above the limestone is a clay layer called the Hawthorn Formation which shields the limestone from ground water; and above the clay is sand. However, the protective clay layer is thin or nonexistent in some areas of Florida, particularly in the middle part of the state near the Gulf coast, where caves and sinkholes are common. Geologists say that human activity, particularly construction and irrigation, can trigger sinkholes by destabilizing the landscape above caverns by drawing down water tables and massing structures above them.

Comment Re:I'll believe it when I see... (Score 1) 867

The distance is correct, from the third ships point of view more than year would have passed.
Time effectivity slows down in your reference frame such that you cannot go faster than the speed of light.
Eistein even gave an example of this called the "Twin Paradox" which you have completely backwards, See more here http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/einstein/hotsciencetwin/ .

Comment Re:Good. (Score 1) 297

Except when enforcing the law you break the law. http://www.wtop.com/41/2802160/Md-court-of-appeals-to-hear-speed-camera-lawsuit .
Glad I don't live in Maryland, in Missouri you are still entitled to due process of law and jury trial for moving violitions.
In Missouri we also have the Handcock Admenment.
Good video of lawyer getting owned by citizen , about half way through the video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cFwaX2QRvW4

Comment Re:Criminal Investigation (Score 1) 444

2nd admendment doesn't say anything about the rights of militia, fucking read the text.
"A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
Notice "the right of the people" , not the right of the militia.
Since you cannot read here is video to explain it for you .http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1GNu7ldL1LM&feature=related

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