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Comment Re:Other consequences (Score 3, Insightful) 138

This is an important part of the story. Public decency laws, and nude beaches as an official exception to them, are not there to protect the nude people, they're there to protect the prude from the nude.

The sad truth is, however, that while being nude at a nude beach is OK, having a picture taken of you and distributed outside that context is not OK. For one thing, it violates my feeling of privacy more than a picture of me walking in the park (I guess there is still a remnant of prudishness there), but it can also damage my reputation and social standing among people who dislike nudity. Thus, it makes perfect sense to be stricter about taking and distributing pictures from nude beaches, just like there is a distinction between taking a picture of me in my front garden (maybe ok?), sunbathing in my back garden (less ok), watching television in my living room (bad) and having fun in the bedroom or bathroom (really bad).

(Note also that most people don't go to nude beaches because they're exhibitionist: they go there because it is much nicer to sunbathe and swim without swimming gear. If you've never swum naked, you should really try it one day, it's a world of difference)

Comment Re:Im stickng wth C and shell scripting (Score 1) 466

For most* languages out there you can automatically create a binding to a C api, if 1:1 API use is what you want. It is true that C is the default goto language for libraries, but if you actually want to do something like parse plain text (or json/xml), communicate over a socket, use SCP, etc etc, it is by no means the easiest language to do something in.

For the record: perl was king more like 20 years ago. I started around 1998 and it was all perl. 5 years later I had switched to python and I think most people started realizing that perl was not the future. If you look at e.g. tiobe, you'll see that python went mainstream around 2004 and has stayed more or less constant since.

Comment Re:Python (Score 2) 466

Yeah, although I understand the reasoning for the whitespace and don't object on principled grounds, it can be quite annoying practically if you are copy/pasting code, need to (de)indent a large block, and especially if you are forced to develop somewhere where your favourite editor/IDE that actually handles these cases well is unavailable and you have to work with something that actually inserts a tab when you press tab... *shudders*

It's also a shame that some of the things corrected in python3 were not corrected earlier, but at least they did have the courage to make some breaking changes, instead of waiting for the next language to come around and start without the excess baggage but also without the built-up community and design experience...

Comment Re:Java in an IDE (Score 1) 466

(frigging slashdot ate my generics!)

Sure, if you like typing stuff such as

Set<? super TreeMap> s = new LinkedHashSet<TreeMap>()

Just because the compiler needs to know advance every method of everything you are ever going to put into your container...

Java has its uses, and for certain hard-core back-end software it might be the most appropriate language; but for writing quick and dirty scripts to get stuff done, for prototyping, and for UI I would stay very far away from it.

(but then I'm an ex-Java developer so probably biased ;-))

Comment Re:Java in an IDE (Score 1) 466

Sure, if you like typing stuff such as

Set s = new LinkedHashSet()

Just because the compiler needs to know advance every method of everything you are ever going to put into your container...

Java has its uses, and for certain hard-core back-end software it might be the most appropriate language; but for writing quick and dirty scripts to get stuff done, for prototyping, and for UI I would stay very far away from it.

(but then I'm an ex-Java developer so probably biased ;-))

Comment Re:Seriously? (Score 5, Insightful) 466

Maybe you should leave the coding to people who actually know what they're doing? If you're just a 'dabbler' then your code will always suck in every language and 'real' coders will smell it a mile away. Looking for the latest, greatest, buzzword to add to your resume will not improve your skills.

I really disagree with this. I think everybody who touches computers and data for a living (and who doesn't, nowadays?) should know some essential programming. They might never use it, but they'll understand so much more on what is going on.

I am very far from a car geek, but I can point to the basic components of my car and has some clue about what they do; same for small jobs around the house, basic management skills, etc etc.

Comment Re:Python (Score 3, Insightful) 466

Python: 'Nuff said


Python is quick to learn, portable, has great libraries, both the standard-library and frameworks such as django and sqlalchemy. You can use it OO or more "imperatively", and it has some great primitives for functional-style programming. It is easy to use in a command-line script sense and just as easy to use in a web (backend) role, from very lightweight flask to all-bells-and-whistles django. The documentation and community are also suberb, and you can find a good answer to almost every question online.

Comment Re:Further scare for my OSHW project (Score 1) 69

Are you serious? You design some sort of wonderful device that can help hundreds of millions of people, that cost 2900,- to design, and you (a) could not find any party such as oxfam interested in sponsoring this and (b) you hope that the public will somehow start donating money to you based on vague promises and some sort of manual with everything interesting XXX'd out.

I have to say, specifying development costs in CHF gives it some air of credibility, I guess NGN would have been a bit too obvious?

If you are legit, just contact some aid companies or just release everything already and then ask for donations

Comment Re:Well, actually never (Score 1) 305

I have a regular internet connection with a regular Dutch ISP and the default router I got from them 3 (?) years ago.

I have a global ipv6 address and use that to connect to some servers at my university that didn't get a public ipv4 address. In fact, I couldn't care less whether my browser would use the ipv4 or ipv6 address to connect me to a web site/

Companies can afford to go ipv6 only as soon as most of their customers can reach them on ipv6, not necessarily "all home routers". But the first real "server" users of ipv6-only will not be well known companies with a global customer base that choose between getting a ipv4 that they can easily afford and going ipv6 only; it will be amateurs, small companies and not-for-profits, etc, who will choose between no way to publish from behind their cgnat, and a way to reach an increasing portion of the internet using a public ipv6.

Comment Re:IPv6 Addresses (Score 1) 305

If two spoken languages can be represented by a single written language, with no alterations or allowances needed, then the two spoken languages are the same (not even different dialects). Yes, they may be unintelligible, but that's pronunciation. It takes more than pronunciation differences to define a language. Otherwise, it's just a really weird accent.

A language is a dialect with an army and navy

Liunguistically speaking there is no difference between a language and a dialect. Two varieties can be very similar (e.g. my Dutch and that of my wife) or highly dissimilar (e.g. Dutch and Swahili), but there is no definite boundary when something is a variety, accent, dialect, or language. Platt-deutsch spoken in the Netherlands is a language (even ignoring the general decline of our army and navy ;-)), but the platt-deutsch spoken e.g. around Lubeck is considered a dialect. AFAIU The written language in China is only uniform because it was imposed as such. See also:


Parents Mobilize Against States' Student Data Mining 139

theodp writes 'Politico reports that parents have mobilized into an unexpected political force to fight the data mining of their children, catapulting student privacy to prominence in statehouses. Having already torpedoed the $100 million, Bill Gates-funded inBloom database project, which could have made it easier for schools to share confidential student records with private companies, the amateur activists are now rallying against another perceived threat: huge state databases being built to track children for more than two decades, from as early as infancy through the start of their careers. "The Education Department," writes Stephanie Simon, "lists hundreds of questions that it urges states to answer about each child in the public school system: Did she make friends easily as a toddler? Was he disciplined for fighting as a teen? Did he take geometry? Does she suffer from mental illness? Did he go to college? Did he graduate? How much does he earn?" Leonie Haimson, a NY mother who is organizing a national Parent Coalition for Student Privacy says, "Every parent I've talked to has been horrified. We just don't want our kids tracked from cradle to grave." For their part, ed tech entrepreneurs and school reformers are both bewildered by and anxious about the backlash — and struggling to craft a response, having assumed parents would support their vision: to mine vast quantities of data for insights into what's working, and what's not, for individual students and for the education system as a whole. "People took for granted that parents would understand [the benefits], that it was self-evident," said Michael Horn, a co-founder an education think tank."

Comment Re:A number of countries?? Say it ain't so! (Score 1) 73

In those six countries, the direct tapping is a legal requirement. Vodafone said it isn't disclosing the names of those countries for fear of local sanction and retaliation by governments against its staff.

In Albania, Egypt, Hungary, India, Malta, Qatar, Romania, South Africa and Turkey it is unlawful to disclose any information related to wiretapping or interception of the content of phone calls and messages, Vodafone said. Because of that restriction, Vodafone isn't disclosing any information about those countries.

So, it is not a hard guess what countries they are talking about, i.e. 6 out of those 7...

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