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Comment Re:Or... Check this radical idea... (Score 3, Interesting) 142

They want to stop another USS Cole incident, how about this radical idea. Put some frikkin armor on the ships. We went from 12in armor around the entire ship to 2.5in armor around vital spaces only. It's absurd. Our entire Navy is just one big expensive glass cannon (except without the cannon part, we got rid of those too).

Comment Re:This isn't scaremongering. (Score 1) 494

Any state can secede, but no state can secede UNILATERALLY which is an important distinction. If a state wants to secede they can't just get the approval of their own citizenry, but that of the rest of the country. The process to do this is through constitutional amendment. If the south had gone this route 150 years ago, the map would probably look a lot different today.

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