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Comment Re:Lets divert some military funds (Score 1) 292

So to pay for the entire Apollo programme all over again, you would only need to divert roughly 1.2% of the annual military budget each year.

Spot on. Not to mention that, given that building heavy lift rockets has military applications as well,. So with a little bit of creative accounting they could book the rocket development in the military budget.

Comment Keep walking! (Score 1) 451

I like Microsoft products

Well, nobody's perfect. Try and work on this weak spot and, maybe someday, you'll learn to appreciate good software, too!

I am intrigued by topics like setting up e-mail servers, reading about cloud stuff like Office 365

Yeah, I know what it feels like. At this point you should try and take up more challenges like LaTeX and CVS.

I'm a good teacher and excel at explaining things as well.

Hmmmm... This changes things. I mean, it's fine with you being an n00b and all, but please don't transmit your insecurities to our kids! Think of the children!

Comment Re:We're the best country in the world!!! Woo!! (Score 2) 357

First of all, no country criticized US of anything; Reporters Without Borders is an NGO. Also, the list is on their website without any real commentary on the rankings, just a few notes mainly on the top and bottom scorers (US ain't one of them).

Second, just because you seem to have absolutely no idea about how the rest of the world functions, let me fill you in: In Europe, suing people in general is considered a complete waste of time and money, not to mention suing somebody about his opinion, that is straight-out retarded.

Third, not only are the Netherlands 2nd in RWB's list, but it seems that they have the complete libertarian opinion-expressing package with its ups and downs.

So, feel free to express your opinion, but know that it's complete bullshit.

Comment Re:Sorry for the Offtopic (Score 1) 526

OK, I'll break it down for you.

However arbitrary the boycott may seem to you, there is some support behind it. Now, if someone decides to ignore it, but still chooses to use the classic interface, wouldn't you agree that they thus show support for Beta, although they don't like using it? They would not participate in the boycott, although they actually support its meaning and purpose (by choosing not to use Beta for posting). Thus the hypocrisy.

You are definitely not bound by any covenant. Feel free to post as much as you want the coming week. But if you really want to make a point, post your comments using the Beta interface.

Comment Sorry for the Offtopic (Score 0, Offtopic) 526

Sorry for the Offtopic comment, but I thought I'd put this out there just before the anti-Beta boycott officially starts:

Whoever posts stories, comments, moderates or meta-moderates the coming week using the classic Slashdot interface is a hypocrite.

If you like the Beta or couldn't care less about it, then you should use it actively and prove by your participation that you accept it. I think we can be democratic about it and let the community choose. If the comment sections of the articles look alive and well by next Monday, this will mean that the community chose Beta. If AC comments are listening to the crickets, this will mean that the comments are by passer-bys and the actual community chose Classic.


Comment Re: Why? (Score 1) 2219

Unfortunately, this seems to be what they teach in MBA programs these days. Everything needs to be periodically "refreshed" or "updated"; even if everything is going exactly how it should and you're #1 in your niche, there's this (horribly mistaken, IMO) impression that your product will magically get better if you change it.

Well they teach that for good reason. If you rest upon your laurels for a long time, then a startup will come from nowhere with a better product that you couldn't even dream of and your userbase will drop you like a sack of potatoes. Microsoft was owning the browser "market" until Mozilla came along, now Chrome is owning the mobile market. Yahoo! was the search engine of choice until Google made them completely irrelevant. Hotmail was looking pretty good too, until Gmail came along. The list goes on and on.

Now, the huge difference is that all of these products/services were beaten by someone/something that was significantly better. Change is important if you want to remain relevant; but MBA programs also teach that you should listen to your customers. Now, Dice is probably listening to the wrong demographic that, I would argue, has no idea how an internet forum should look like (Whitespace? Sure, why not?). Moreover, their implementation is so half-assed it hurts. Even Facebook has a larger information density than Beta: Although it's also a scrollfest, every post is contained and you can see the post, who liked it, and the first handful of comments together with a box for your own comment in one single page.

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