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Comment Re:Yeah, no. (Score 1) 421

we've had quite a few very high intelligences in our society over time. None of them have posed an "existential crisis" for the the planet, the the human race, or my cats.

Only because the Vice Presidential Action Rangers stopped them from creating a singularity with the LHC. And that was when they were led by Biden but before they restored Gygax with the vampire bacillus.

Comment Warning: RAID 0 (Score 2, Interesting) 226

RAID 0 is unstable to begin with. Medium case scenario here (for legitimate use) is some data gets corrupted on a compute node. Run the program on two nodes; if you get the same result on both, that result is probably fine. If you're running RAID0 on any filesystem that isn't temporary or at least easily replaceable, you're doing it wrong.

Comment Re:Sue Storm has always been powerful (Score 1) 228

Another that gets forgotten is the Scarlet Witch, magneto's daughter.

In one arc her powers run amok and completely change the whole of reality for nearly everyone, including most mutants.

*Begin Spoiler*

* Spoiler: It's not 100% her fault. A retcon in Children's Crusade revealed that she meddled with forces beyond her control to try and recreate her children. Those forces caused her to attack the Avengers in the Disassembled arc and eventually House of M.

*End Spoiler*

Comment Re:Power Creep Unless Proven Otherwise (Score 1) 228

Power over the story itself? Blonde Phantom, She-Hulk, and Squirrel Girl. All three have comic awareness and can use that to their advantage (She-Hulk usually just threatens the writer or penciler, whereas Squirrel Girl defeats Bi Beast, Dr Doom, Deadpool, Galactus, MODOK, Thanos, and Wolverine). Their only male counterpart with this ability is Deadpool.

Comment Sue Storm has always been powerful (Score 2) 228

Invisible Woman has almost always been one of the most powerful and versatile superheroes in Marvel. She can knock out the Hulk. She can kill Wolverine. She can redirect a gamma bomb blast, saving the lives of all the other superheroes who have gathered (in that canon issue, her husband was already dead).

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