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Comment Re:Ironic (Score 1) 195

Surface area of the world is around 510 million square kilometers. Half of that is exposed to sunlight at any given time. That sunlight averages around 250W per square meter. Do the math. A 0.2% change in output is a change of about 127 TW (yes, teraWatts) per day. I'd call that a pretty significant given it's about 7 times more than the entire energy consumption of humanity (in all forms). Doesn't take much solar output change to totally swamp all of humanity. Seems that would be quite a change to the climate, doesn't it?

Comment Re:Good for greece (Score 1) 1307

It seems to me that in this case, it's the citizens of the country standing up and saying that THEY should not have to pay for investors losses. The investors have managed to privatize gains, and socialize loses to that there is no more risk in investing. You invest, you know that your investment carries a risk; don't want to shoulder the possible loss... don't invest.

So, the citizens didn't vote in the Government that took the loans on their behalf? The citizens didn't vote to join the EU and play by a known set of rules? The citizens didn't understand those loans were actually loans, and not gifts?

Fair enough. So why should anyone - ANYONE - loan another Euro to Greece? Flush the current loans down the toilet, call it even - and survive on your own. No more loans. Sound fair?

Comment Re:Good (Score 1) 1307

Instead of asking for austerity, what the EU SHOULD be doing is saying to the Greeks "you wont get any more money from us unless you get rid of the corruption and collect the taxes your laws say you are supposed to be collecting". If Greece actually collected all the tax the laws say they are entitled to collect, they wouldn't be in the trouble they are in.

Wouldn't the financial pain of suddenly paying 3X the taxes be worse, to the average Greek, as the austerity plans the EU wanted to see? Getting blood either way requires about the same level of pain.

Comment Re:Good (Score 1) 1307

Because the Greeks haven't tried austerity. Try raising the retirement age up to that of Germany or the US (in the mid 60s). That alone would save tens of billions of dollars, and allow Greece to make their payments.

Comment Re:Volt (Score 1) 688

Because they're cramped, have poor ergonomics, stupid non-overridable defaults (like it always defaults to 8A charge, and if you want 12A @ 110VAC you HAVE to set it EVERY SINGLE TIME, no way to save the setting), and has pretty poor QC. This is from a coworker I've had over the last 2 years who can't wait for the lease to end and he'll move to something else. Yes, it's saving him some cash over gas, but it's just not worth the hassle.

Comment Re:"Clean Energy Candidate" (Score 3, Interesting) 308

Before the Civil War they said freeing the slaves would ruin the economy. The US had to free them because it was a moral imperative. The war cost us 5% of the US population in casualties. The sum total of the monetary value of all slaves at the start of the civil war was roughly one trillion dollars in today's dollars. The slaves were freed and the US became the world's greatest economic power as a result.

Really? The US didn't become the number one economy until 1916 - about the time that most of the European powers (specifically, the UK - which was the biggest economy before the US stepped into that role) were deep into World War I. World War II pretty much cemented our position as the rest of the first world (and much of the 2nd) was bombed and broken. I don't think it was the slaves that made us the greatest economic power, but rather the fact we have two large bodies of water keeping us relatively safe from wars in Europe and Asia.

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