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Comment Not just cures, but inventions too. (Score 5, Interesting) 204

Story: New energy source based on [insert some form of unicorn fart here] may one day solve energy crisis!

Story: New memory storage based on [insert excited hand waving] may one day replace current RAM!

Story: New computing method based on [something, something, carbon, something] may one day re-instate Moore's law!

Story: New AI algorithm based on [GAs, deep multi-layer neural nets, connecting organic brains together, a little man in a box that answers the questions and pretends to be a machine] may one day give us true artificial intelligence (whatever the fuck that means).

At 57, I've been hearing this crap since I was 6. There's no magic energy source. Moore's law has been stopped by physics. HAL has yet to enter the building. There's no cure for cancer or alzheimers, and so on.

Editors and writers with liberal arts or journalism degrees who can't evaluate the research anyway *love* this kind of filler shit because it attracts the eyeballs of the sort that read popular science magazine and take it seriously. It's the science literature equivalent of Reece's Pieces (meaning no disrespect for that fine candy).

Comment Re:It's only 'interference' when your side loses (Score 1) 32

"At the heart of liberty is the right to define one's own concept of existence, of meaning, of the universe, and of the mystery of human life."- Justice Kennedy in PPvCasey, 1992, explaining why his future self would push for gay marriage.

Seems like "Progress" is rather primitive to me- it's just the right to live out a fantasy in defiance of objective reality.

Comment Economic and doom sites mostly (Score 1) 203

ZeroHedge.com (Sensationalist but the true bits are quite interesting and after about a year or two, whatever crazy thing they're going on about shows up on "The Economist.")

NakedCapitalism.com (It doesn't SHOUT at you the way ZeroHedge does, but it's informative).

ricefarmer.blogspot.com (A sane news aggregation site with occasional realistic commentary. As usual, reality puts people off).

ClubOrlov.com (Interesting guy. Grew up in Russia during the collapse. Comments on our ongoing slo mo collapse).

http://ourfiniteworld.com/ (A happy little blog about resource depletion and its implications. Packed with facts and numbers. Do not approach without a working calculator). Don't expect to be happy at what you finally figure out for yourself either.

Comment Re:Haven't seen that here - anything on SO? Repro? (Score 1) 7

Not sure I can duplicate, due to the other strangeness I'm dealing with (It's a cross-database query and the other database doesn't have a primary key, just sets of fields with unique constraints). It may have also been a Select Distinct that I thought I had applied but didn't; the one row that was duplicating did have two in the parent table.

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