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Comment Re:more pseudo science (Score 1) 869

I'll keep denying until somebody can explain to me why going in and out of ice ages wasn't manmade, but now we should freak out and spend billions over 1 or 2 degrees of "manmade" "climate change" over the last hundred years (when it has been going back down for the last 15 years straight).

Comment Re:It is a Hobby (Score 1) 218

A typical church of 700 people has an annual budget of around $2 million. Out of that, they have to pay for 5-6 pastors, office staff, janitorial staff, etc. And their bills are huge with electricity, water, printing costs, etc. Nobody's getting rich except for a very small percentage on TV.

Comment Re:Details on the exploit? (Score 4, Informative) 148

Basically, they tried to put an unlimited iPad SIM card in a PC. They disassembled the driver to find out how it authorized them and realized that there was no security, it just went to a hidden website. They went to the website and it didn't work but then they changed their agent string in their browser to impersonate an iPad. At that point, it showed him his account information. After that, they just incremented the number up and down and realized that it showed them EVERYONE'S account information.

Comment Re:Planning (Score 1) 92

The people that left their coins sitting on Mt. Gox's servers instead of getting them off immediately? Yes, those people are unusually stupid.

The people that are buying Lambroghinis ( http://articles.latimes.com/20... ), apartments ( http://www.uproxx.com/webcultu... ) and even castles in Estonia ( http://thebitcoinnews.co.uk/20... ) for mere pennies on the dollar don't seem very stupid.

Comment Re:Planning (Score 2) 92

Karpeles IS unusually stupid (OK, let's say arrogant and naive). He claimed to have lost 2,000,000 bitcoins until people looked at the PUBLIC blockchain and found that he had previously had access to accounts where some of the "missing" bitcoins were still sitting. Then, all of a sudden, when the Japanese court threatened him with arrest, he was suddenly able to "find" and produce them.

Comment Re:sounds like it really was sheer incompetence... (Score 1) 92

This was a KNOWN and PUBLISHED flaw since 2011, along with clear instructions about how to avoid it. Any casual first-time programmer of bitcoin would have seen this when learning how to program bitcoin (it's on the Wiki: https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Tra...). Mt. Gox, having been around since 2010, could have not noticed I suppose, except that Gavin Andreson (the lead bitcoin developer) is on record as having warned them about this flaw multiple times. And it was brought up in a Bitcoin Foundation meeting where Karpeles was present.

Comment Re:Flawed assumption (Score 1) 92

The blockchain is PUBLIC. The vulnerability they mentioned is legitimate. They found 6000 successful attempts on the blockchain of double-spending a change transaction (all bitcoin transactions have an initial transaction and a change transaction, unless the amount matches perfectly).

These weren't related to known Mt. Gox addresses. How is this hard to understand that these guys know what they are talking about? Many of us in the bitcoin community could see this the very next day, as soon as we looked.

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