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Comment Re:Crossing the line ... (Score 1) 550

You are 100% correct.

I know there was a massive thread over on eq2 forums about the aggro mob issue. It never went anywhere. And I'm fairly sure this is a simple fix. Shouldn't require a major rebuilt to allow user to add an * to aggro mobs or change color of the name.

Comment Re:Crossing the line ... (Score 2, Interesting) 550

I'm colorblind. I'm was EQII (Sony) player. I can tell you that it's extremely annoying that the only indication that a mob is aggressive is a 1px red (#FF0000) outline on the mob's name.

Guess what. I use this ideology called "adapt and overcome". I'm glad that people/companies don't pander to my "disability". Do I wish games/websites/stores/life would give me the option of using a neon blue 1px outline on aggressive mobs (both in games and at the local mall)? Sure I do, but they don't, so I figure out tricks to overcome it.

Don't believe I'm colorblind. Google "colorblind developer". You'll see my site, it's number 1 on google for that term.

I hope this lawsuit fails. Games and their developers shouldn't be forced to develop games that everyone can play. Businesses/offices that are essential for living (DMV, grocery stores, hospitals) should have to accomidate handicapped people, but not games. I was in a wheelchair for the last semester of college and learned how amazingly difficult it is to get around in a wheelchair first hand. I will never look at a building the same way.

If a company doesn't consult with disabled people when developing their game/website, then those disabled people should use their money's talking power and go elsewhere. If 10% of the US players of EQII (the percentage of colorblind males in the US) quit playing EQII because of the aggro mob issue, Sony would probably take note.

Comment Re:Now would be a good time to write your official (Score 1) 221

Me to DMV:
"I saw an article today that disturbed me deeply.

What gives DMV the right to store my photo used when obtaining a North Caroline drivers license? Under what law is NC DMV then allowed to give away my information to federal authorities?

Please explain to me why NC DMV is providing my personal information to the FBI so that they can place me in a "digital lineup"."

DMV to me:
"North Carolina law (General Statute 20-43) states that "...A photographic image or signature recorded in any format by the Division for a drivers license or a special identification card is confidential and shall not be released except for law enforcement purposes." "

Me to DMV:
"So for my next license can I refuse to have my picture and signiture placed on my drivers license?

How is releasing my photo along with every other resident of NC deemed to be "for law enforcement purposes"? I'm not a criminal, suspect, or even remotely involved with anything to do with law enforcement, yet my photo is being placed in digital lineups."

Comment Millbrook, AL (Score 1) 345

I had to laugh when I saw that this was Victory Baptist. I went to high school in Millbrook, not at the school from the article, but the public school in this town. Millbrook is currently ranked as the fastest growing city in Alabama, last I checked. Most of the kids that got kicked out of public school had to go to Victory.

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