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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 9 declined, 0 accepted (9 total, 0.00% accepted)


Submission + - Developer's Cafe/Lounge (wisc.edu)

Todd Bezenek writes: "When I was a graduate student at the University of Wisconsin, the Computer Sciences Department provided a room of about 300 square feet called the Undergraduates Projects Lab. The lab was stocked with cast-off or donated equipment used by motivated undergraduate students to do some pretty cool things. This lab provided a petri-dish-like environment for creative projects. Several of the students involved in the lab progressed to industry to make significant contributions.

I suggest a chain of labs for the public, like libraries, where developers can commune with others who have similar interests. A developer's cafe will need chairs and benches, high-speed Internet connections, and a "guard" to police the environment. Monitors for laptops and machines for people who do not want to bring laptops might also be included.

These cafes will result in projects of use to venture capitalists, companies interested in advancing their APIs, and industry-supported open-source projects.

For the cost of space and on overseer (hint--I am available), it is possible to create a crucible for new and--in many cases--unexpected projects/results.

If you are interested in this idea, contact me at "bezenek" (at my Google email address).


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