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Comment Re:It says... (Score 1) 135

Carnegie didn't run a company that depends on innovation (yes, he needed and adopted the Bessemer process, but he licensed that -- as many were doing). If a company itself depends on producing R&D .. it needs capital -- lots of it, and the only way to raise that capital is with profitable companies. And the only way to have profitable R&D companies -- it seems .. at least today .. is by having prick CEOs. It's very easy to waste money in R&D. Sun Microsystems used to have non-prick CEOs for a short period .. when they open sourced Solaris and a lot of their products .. the reward was loss of profits followed by collapse in company share prices.

Anyway, I actually think Larry and Sergey are not really pricks. I think they could be worse, and are fundamentally are trying to do the right thing.

Comment Re:Perhaps you should bother reading those treatie (Score 1) 154

Also want to point out that the Bill of rights/constitution does NOT grant us our most important rights .. it merely respects and acknowledges them. Our rights (and those of all humans) come from the Creator/nature. If you read certain amendments you can tell from the wording that the right is something pre-existing and the document is only forbidding its infringement. For example, -- where is the right to bear arms granted? It's not. "The right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed" It doesn't grant us that right .. because we already have it -- from God. It's not something you are provided with. Or amendment 4 "right of the people to be secure [..] against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated" .. again .. we see that the right is not granted .. merely respected. Amendment 7: "the right of trial by jury shall be preserved". Amendment 8 "nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted" .. we can see that the government is forbidden and neutered from inflicting those things .. it's not granting the right .. it's preventing government from doing something it shouldn't and it's respecting rights we all have.

Comment Re:Perhaps you should bother reading those treatie (Score 1) 154

No it's a war crime, crime against humanity etc,. It's a matter of can you recognize that. For example, the declaration of Independence would have no validity by British law .. yet it is valid by innate human rights granted by God. In the same way, all human beings have a right to fair trials and not to be tortured. It's a matter of are you willing to recognize that right. And the argument that terrorists dont have the right to a fair trial is just silly. How do you know if someone is a terrorist without a trial? What if they were they were setup by a neighbor or forced onto the battlefield because of threats to their family etc. ? Everyone deserves a reasonable chance to explain their story and be released if it can be verified. Also, if you are going to hold prisoners without certainty of their guilt/innocence you should at least not torture them.

Comment Re:My mother almost had a similar treatment (Score 1) 130

Targeting a single DNA segment is unlikely to work in most cases if the cancer has reached stage IV. The problem is the mutation rate in most cancers especially if the oncogene wasn't specifically inherited is scary high ( http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19931353 ) .. cancers contain cells with not just SNP mutations but all kinds of copy variants .. frame shifts etc.. To get a high confidence of eradicating the tumor .. honestly after looking at the myriad of different mutations and amount of cell to cell variation in a tumor .. my calculation is (and I hope I am off by an order of magnitude) you would need to target about ~30 different areas with simultaneous combination therapy. And then ur going to need mad FDA rule changes to allow small scale rapid clinical trial on a primate to test for safety issues.

Comment Re:AIDS vs. Cancer (Score 1) 130

Hold up, I know that AIDS can result in cancer .. but in his case did he really die of AIDS or did he die of a bone marrow cancer that originated regardless of his HIV infection? I mean it's possible that the cancer progressed due to a low immune cell count .. but if he was on his meds that shouldn't have happened .. unless of course he found out he had HIV after or around the time he got cancer due to a low T-cell count. Or, his HIV was resistant to all drugs .. which is not unheard of but rare.

Comment Re:Let's all be honest... (Score 5, Insightful) 130

You realize that it costs insurance companies about half a million dollars to treat a cancer patient? And most of that money goes to all kinds of different companies many of them struggling on low margins making an assortment of drugs, medical services, and other stuff. Now let's say a company comes out with a cure for cancer .. They can charge $100,000 for it as pure profit .. Insurance companies would gladly pay. 10 million people a year get cancer .. That means the profit will be an absolutely insane $1 trillion dollars a year.

Or forget that .. Steve jobs had cancer and died of it .. All a company that had the cure had to do was call him up and charge him $5 billion cash plus 50% ownership of Apple for the cure.

Comment Hmm (Score 3, Informative) 130

I read some of his books when I was a kid. I wondered how the hell he wrote so many books. I thought he was much older than 89 when I saw him talking online a few years ago ... Anyway I got disappointed when I found out he was a BNP supporter - an openly racist political party until recently when they claimed to be culturalist not racist (at the time he joined them they were openly racist and didn't allow minority members - a few years ago the British govt forced them to allow minorities). Also, he has made statements anti gay and anti-women comments. I would like to write that off as old age senility, but then he made those comments and joined BNP in his 70s.

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