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Comment Re:Samsung: so sue us (Score 1) 83

Your aren't talking about ethics or morals, you're talking contract law. And we don't know what the contract amounts to. We do, however, know that MS was treatening to sue people right and left over secret patents, so it's quite reasonable that Samsung may have felt that they were coerced into signing the agreement. If so, then it's quite ethical to look for any escape hole.

Comment Re:Get the concerns addresssed (Score 1) 190

Given the history of government, expect the voting mechanism to be bought from a company which has little transparency, and little interest in fixing problems.

The history a voting machines in the US is a history of fraud and probable fraud. If you switch to an on-line voting system, expect it to be vulnerable to fraudulent voting and difficult to check. And illegal to validate. ("That's our proprietary code your'e trying to inspect!")

Do not support it. Were it an open system, I'd be cautiously supportive, but recent history tells me not to expect that.

Comment Security and freedom are not convenient (Score 1) 190

This is a classic case of people valuing convenience over everything else:

* Responsibility
* Anonymity
* Security
* Reliability
* Accountability
* Accuracy

Electronic voting machines and on-line voting severely erode or completely disregard one or more of the above concepts. Voting is part of the democratic process, which equates to freedom. Freedom is neither free nor easy.... neither is security.

Comment Re:It would be cheaper for everyone.... (Score 1) 182

The gold dollar was about to put a check on Lyndon Johnson's 'Great Society' crapola, but Nixon defaulted on the gold dollar, crossed the words 'I owe you' from 'I owe you X dollars' from the bank notes and called the little paper previously known as the 'Federal reserve note' into 'dollars'. This is what allowed the government to perpetuate its growth to the gargantuan size it is today and it is what killed USA economy reversing the economic growth in USA and eventually wiping out the economy completely.

As to statistics, some people compile this data, of-course unemployment rate shows some of this but the details of unemployment are much more important than the compiled averages, the poorer segment of society, the black Americans have suffered higher unemployment rate since the programs against poverty started, than ever before. Actually before the minimum wage was introduced in the 1938, unemployment among blacks youth (16-25, formative work years) was lower than among whites by 15%. Actually each 10% increase in minimum wage mandate had a disproportionate decrease in employment upon the minorities, which is counterproductive if the goal is to decrease poverty, of-course it was not, the goal was to turn people into dependants, voting for bigger and bigger government, while growing the said government.

The gold dollar was not allowing the government to carry with that goal and Nixon chose to default on the actual dollar than to abandon big government ideology.

Comment Re:Microsoft is a US corporation (Score 1) 502

Microsoft Ireland is incorporated in Ireland. Which is in the EU. They are therefore separate companies. And thus a binding agreement on one does not form a binding agreement on the other.

Even if it did, the act of exporting personal data of EU citizens FROM the EU without due EU process is a criminal offence in the EU. Which is where Microsoft Ireland are based. Thus anyone in Ireland that facilities or colludes to make this offence happens will stand before an EU court, for trying to comply with a US courts ruling that DOES NOT apply to them.

Comment Re:What's changed? (Score 1) 190

Online voting is better than paper, when online comes with crypto. There is no attack type possible with online voting that's impossible with paper. The difference is in the details and maybe the ease. But when anonymous voting is abolished, there is no room for "fraud", just intimidation, and intimidation is low in the US.

It'd be hard to make an online system any worse than our current paper system.

Comment Re:More like "We don't want to hire milennials" (Score 1) 120

I learned that you're either successful or work 45 hours a week.

Success can be measured by more than just money. I measure it by the metric "quality of life". And that requires me to have a life besides working when I can actually spend the money I earn.

I mean, why bother earning it if you have no time to spend it?

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