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Comment Re:So was the landing successful? (Score -1) 112

Spaceflight now said this:

An update on the Falcon 9 first stage recovery via Twitter from Elon Musk: "Rocket booster reentry, landing burn & leg deploy were good, but lost hull integrity right after splashdown (aka kaboom)."

Looks like Musk fucked it up again. But that would never discourage you idiots.

Comment Solvable? (Score -1) 385

What does 'solvable' mean? Woodstock mean temperature 1968? These hippies don't even know what they're selling. Give subsidies to the politically connected? I'd rather burn by beloved hydrocarbon fuels. In the last 6 years I have made a fortune investing in companies that are out of favor. Big oil, big pharma, genetically modified agribusiness. It look like my run of luck will continue.

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