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Comment Re: Should the United States accept more foreigner (Score 1) 377

And I said how people eat beans and rice in the US.

I know exactly what he meant. It's just not likely to happen that way as I already said. "I just don't seem to think it would happen in practice often. Americans like flavor"

As for the rest of your comment, I agree except with the birth control thing. Granted, people shouldn't be having kids they cannot afford but it is not our place to tell people they can or cannot have kids. And I'm not about to let a kid suffer because their parents are imbeciles so I guess it is a catch 22. Make it available, but it's their choice.

Comment Re:Someone has an agenda to push (Score 1, Troll) 342

Evidently, people who are willing to log in and put their reputation on it are buying into that. You on the other hand, well..

Carbon taxes are bad ideas in the first place. They are simply convoluted and will not achieve anything substantial. There are better ways if results is what we are really after.

Comment Re:Seems a bit odd... (Score 1) 109

Ignored is likely right.

I didn't see anything that made spying on either side legal, only that the dutch could acquire the information gathered from it legally. It's likely illegal in both places to do the spying but the government would ignore it as long as they had a benefit to gain.

There is a difference between something being legal and something not being prosecuted and ignored instead.

Comment Re:Should the United States accept more foreigners (Score 0) 377

National Debt as a percentage of GDP went from ~35% to 55% under Reagan. About a 60% increase relative to itself (35/55)

Has nothing to do with the population getting poor. Does not even denote any disaster either.

The minimum wage for the same period went up about 20%. Viewing national debt vs minimum wage, the 99% of people who make less than 10x minimum wage, saw their real wealth and purchasing power vanish relative to the previous generation.

And this was happening long before Reagan got into office. Inflation was a bitch under Carter and there were more unemployed.

Whatever faults you may, rightly or wrongly, saddle Carter with, he got F-ed by OPEC and the malaise from Vietnam, neither of which were his fault. The pattern is that Repubs break stuff, the Dems clean it up and then The Repubs campaign on "stop cleaning! Things are clean enough? Let's party!"

Stop sugar coating it. Carter couldn't even get a democrat controlled congress to pass his crap most of the time. The rest of your rubbish is just that- likely formed from your lack of or inability to see the world for what it is. Now note, I am not saying republicans are any better or worse. I'm not even going to tread into those waters. I'm just saying Carter screwed the pooch so much worse than Reagan ever did.

As for Mr. Bean below, genuinely poor urbanites often don't have access to an oven or full size refridgerator, much less a store that sells 25# bags of rice or beans for less than a buck a pound. I do, but every place I can reasonably walk home from without milk spoiling on a hot day confines itself to 4 serving portions. The closet don't even carry gallons of milk, just quarts or maybe half gallons at times. For $7 a half gallon. Not everyone has access to direct bus routes, much less a car and Amex for Costco runs. Your reality is not the same as theirs.

Something I completely agree with. Sometimes a bus isn't even an option because there are no regular bus lanes in the area.

I'm lucky in that where I live now, you can get a gallon of milk for $3.50 to $5 in a gas station convenience store. You can also find 1 pound bags of beans and sometimes rice in them too. But I have been in those spots you describe and if it isn't a candy bar, some sort of prepared sandwich, or a boxed meal item with an expiration date a year past, it likely isn't in the store as far as food goes for several miles of highway walking.

Comment Re: Should the United States accept more foreigner (Score 2) 377

Have you ever seen a recipe for bean soup in the US? half pound of bacon, ham, or smoke jowl, boil the shit out of it, put 2 pounds of soaked navy beans in and boil until tender adding salt and butter to taste at the end. The good tasting recipes will have at least an inch of lard coagulating on the top when the left overs are put into the fridge. But if that didn't sound bad enough, it's usually eaten with fried potatoes and buttered corn bread. (god I'm getting hungry..lol)

as for rice, the only rice dishes I am familiar with that have any flavor are drenched with something else like General Tso's chicken or sausage of some sorts with peppers, onions, and mushrooms sauteed in butter first..

Again, poor food choices. But yes, in theory, I would agree with you. I just don't seem to think it would happen in practice often. Americans like flavor.

Comment Re:Should the United States accept more foreigners (Score 1, Interesting) 377

Poverty does not cause obesity. It causes unhealthy diets which can cause obesity. Stay home and eat a 7 dollar lean steak or a 12 dollar healthy omega3 rich fish fillet with about 4 dollars in trimmings or get filled up with a 6 dollar super sized big mac meal and not have to fix the crap. Fill up between meals by snacking on 6 dollar nuts or have a 3 for a dollar twinky. These are choices not limited to the poor. But the better off have a more easy time not making them.

There are even some people who think the problem with obesity is solely contained within our switch from real sugar to high fructose corn syrup in the 1970s. They make convincing arguments if the arguments are factual. I have never had the time to bother checking them. A lot of obese people get thin also when they go gluten free. I think it has a lot to do with food containing gluten also having HFCS in them but that's just a guess.

I also wouldn't say Reagan or Thatcher's economic policies were disastrous. In the US, Carter's policies likely were worse. They certainly threw a lot more people into poverty than when Reagan was president. But I'm sure you will spout some half cocked theories that don't line up with reality so I'm not bothering with it. I do agree that illegals will increase the obesity rates, but not because of poverty- because they will make the same poor food choices and be subjected to the mass marketing that many Americans already are.

Comment Re:And what about Economic Terrorism? (Score 1) 242

So all those democrats claiming there is a war on women and that hobby lobby means employers are trying to tell women what they can and cannot do in thier personal life are terrorists?

Opinions and even lies are not terrorism. It can be fraud, deciet, snd a number of other things but not terrorism.

After looking at the two replies i have seen so far, i'm not sure some people even know what terrorism is. Participating in a legal political proccess cannot be terrorism.

Comment Re:And what about Economic Terrorism? (Score 1) 242

Stating political or economic opinion cannot be terrorism even when someone legally acts on that opinion. Free speech includes harmful speech and legal acts surounding that speech.

You hsve not listed any examples of terrorism. Ylu listed some stulid experiments we have tried snd hou even managed to invent some scenarios, but none of it could be considered terrofismm.

Comment Re:Mandatory IQ Tests for Politicians?? (Score 0) 225

Plausible deniability..

However, some comments made by politicians make s 60 IQ seem like a mensa candidate. I mean we have that guy from texas who thought the term black hole was a sexist and racial derogotory term. Snd there was that senator who feared an island would flip over. Of coursd nanci pelosi gives us s few good ones too.

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