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Comment Re:Misleading Title!!! (Score 1) 323

Sacramentally speaking, there is no way to confess via iphone, just as it was clarified in the 1800s about telephone and telegram. Sins can be forgiven by confession, or if in neccisity you are perfectly contrite (i.e. contrite because the sin offended God, not because you are sorry because of the consequences) then your sin is forgiven you by God, and you are still required to go to confession if your spaceship doesn't burn up.

In the end grace and the sacraments are a mystery (the Easterns/Orthodox call them Sacred Mysteries which I think is an apt title) and God's grace is limitless so we would not believe that God would withold saving a person from Hell because his spaceship was burning up/died in house fire/etc if the person had intentions to go to confession and/or was perfectly contrite, etc.

(When the minister sees fit to grant absolution, then he pronounces the words of the form (supra) over the penitent. It is commonly taught that the penitent must be physically present; consequently, absolution by telegraph has been declared invalid, and when questioned in regard to absolution by the telephone the Sacred Congregation (1 July, 1884) answered Nihil respondendum.)

Comment Re:LOTR & Jackson Critique (Score 1) 84

This is going even more off-topic, but RE: Wicked, my fiancee is a huge fan (Seen it maybe 20 times?, I've seen it about 4 of those). I don't know if it's so much the difference between productions, but between actresses. I've seen it in Chicago three times and once in NYC and the actual performances varies based on the actress playing Glinda (it varies between the main and the understudy in Chicago, etc), not so much about where it was performed. After each showing my fiancee briefs me on how well each of the actresses did and her thoughts.

Just thought you might appreciate the viewpoint of a theatre nerd, instead of the normal technie nerds :).

Comment Specialization is not the future (Score 5, Insightful) 258

I've been working in IT for some time now, and I think that that any specialized hard-skils are pointless. Most of my success has been able to adapt to new technologies, languages, ideas, etc. IT is constantly changing (which is what attracted me to it). What you need is a solid background in IT concepts (how to program in A language, how to understand the TCP/IP stack, what a protocol is, etc), a solid understanding of interpersonal communication, and a willingness to change and adapt.

Comment Re:RCN in Chicago (Score 1) 547

It probably is due to the fact that we are on different nodes of the network, but I have RCN 20 megabit as well here in Chicago, and I get pretty constant 18mbps... Consistant enough that I think they are throttling me to 18mbps, since I've rarely seen under and never seen over.

Comment Not just Adobe (Score 3, Interesting) 189

I just got a trojan yesterday through a PDF, while using Foxit and running Windows 7 x64 in Firefox. I didn't think anything of allowing a website to execute a PDF file (I was not aware at the time that you could execute code through a PDF).

The trojan downloaded quite a bit of malware onto my system that I spent last night cleaning from the registry. This is the first time I've gotten malware on my computer in years.

Comment Re:Two words: Giordano Bruno (Score 2, Informative) 721

Except, of course, he wasn't burned at the stake for anything to do with an infinite universe or aliens... From what I can read on Wikipedia it had to do with public heresy none of which seem directly related to anything scientific. Also, the Catholic Church did not execute them, the secular authorities did, against the advice of the Church.

I'm not saying it's a particurally glorious moment in the history of the Church, but a march against science isn't what it was.

Comment Re:So... (Score 4, Insightful) 215

Yeah, it's the same kind of thing as Windows... Like if a user installed a remote management protocol, then left the default password on it, and then wondered why they got hacked so easily...

Not to mention this is NOT apple's software, or anything that apple sanctioned on their phone. It is from hacked phones. Sadly, this will do nothing but make Apple more sure that they should not open up the iPhone platform more.

Comment Re:Personally I'd rather you were honest with me (Score 4, Funny) 344

Is that you Dwight?

Jim Halpert: Have you called any headhunters?
Michael Scott: Any good headhunter knows that I am available.
Dwight Schrute: Any really good headhunter will storm your village at sunset with overwhelming force and cut off your head with a ceremonial knife.
Jim Halpert: Right, because that's what we're talking about.

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