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Comment Re:Not Evolution (Score 2) 115

This is the theory of abiogenesis, not evolution. Evolution is how life changes, not how it got started.

But life probably cannot start until evolution helps it along. Something that was half-alive probably had to be shaped further by evolution to become true life.

For example, an early molecule that was perhaps either too poor a replicator (sloppy & broken) or too accurate a replicator (exact clones) would have reached a dead end if evolution didn't start pruning the copies to find the Goldilocks range of imperfection level (mutation) in the replication process necessary for continuing life.

Comment Re:ASP? (Score 1) 189

You can write a Classic ASP app in vbscript or javascript.

While technically true, I doubt very many organizations actually do that in practice, based on my observations, such that it's not worth making that distinction, except perhaps as a footnote.

Comment Re:BS (Score 3, Interesting) 359

They Bay Area is one of the few economically active places in the USA, that's why housing is expensive there.

If you want cheap housing, go to an economically dying area, like Detroit; or a place with no regulations such that chemicals leak into your house or explode in your face, like Texas.

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