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Comment Re:*yawn* (Score 1) 294

You didn't think that anyone was going to modify their standard of living as a result of tax policy, did you?

Yeah, of course. Although the rich will still have plenty of money to meet their needs, the middle class will buy less shit they don't absolutely need to survive when you raise their taxes. And, unlike the multi-millionaires, that's money that would go to American businesses and individuals --not potentially out of the country to tax havens, foreign businesses, or goods outside the country.

Now, as far as business goes... Hiring decisions are almost entirely based on whether adding an additional employee will create a marginal gain for the business --not the amount of tax on profit. If anything, you need more employees to do more work to create more profit so there's more left over to pocket (assuming the demand is there for your product/service). I'd really love it if all the goons claiming they'll close their business or stop working (and deprive us of their inestimable talents) if they're taxed more would show us that they're not all talk. Cry about the unfairness of taxes in some other country.

Comment Am I posting late enough to not get modded troll? (Score 1) 1880

Since you asked, in no particular order...

1. Productivity
2. A six-figure salary, coding with MS products
3. Familiarity/Laziness
4. Time limitations
5. Assured compatibility with previous and current work (self and co-workers)
6. Ease of troubleshooting via Google
7. All MS software/OSes free through work MSDN license
8. Games
9. Drivers
10. Completely satisfied with system stability, speed, and security

I'm no zealot about MS products (love my Droid), just being practical.

Comment Re:Wow (Score 1) 355

I see you're not watching Fox News every day like you should citizen. Otherwise you'd remember Bush's high approval rating immediately after 9/11 (that happened on his watch) and how, like the OWS movement, the anti-war protesters that criticized him were just a tiny group of clueless, America-hating, smelly hippies.

Comment Re:Wow (Score 0) 355

Really? Getting rid of Ghadafi at very minimal cost and with 0 US lives lost didn't impress you?

Obviously you do not understand the rules of American political discourse. You see when a Republican makes up shit to invade a country that poses no threat to us, poses in a military costume, or uses a bullhorn at a disaster site he's a great American hero. When a Democrat orchestrates the killing of several of the world's most dangerous terrorist leaders or removes a much reviled terrorism-sponsoring dictator from power, he's still some "soft on defense" pussy. Our religious beliefs about which party is God's Party precludes thinking any other way.

Comment Re:Wow (Score 1) 355

I'm impressed. The first time in 3 years I've been impressed, so the bar is pretty low. But good going Obama.

You've got to admit his administration is doing a lousy job of PR, but please... In addition to removing insurability/wealth as a prerequisite to medical care, he's managed to do quite a bit with a (post-2010) hostile congress.

Take a look at this list (or one of the others turned up in a quick Googling).

Comment Re:Stocks, bonds, derivatives, or foreign currency (Score 1) 694

Very insightful; wish I had mod points today. All of us working class slags get smacked when we make money by doing something productive --why should jerks moving piles of imaginary money (while creating absolutely nothing) get a tax-free income? If that made any sense at all, we could all do the same thing and we'd all be rich, right?

Comment Re:So true (Score 2) 800

Siri is slick, but it's not like similar things haven't been developed on other platforms. Here are a few competitors on Android (definitely less slick, but not far from the mark): (Google standard issue)

Two years behind? More like two months. With megapixels, speed, and bandwidth running out of room for improvement, the intelligent assistant may be the next mobile arms race.

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