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Submission + - Canadian Spy Coin's Secrets Revieled

arthurpaliden writes: "An odd-looking Canadian quarter with a bright red flower was the culprit behind a false espionage warning from the Defense Department about mysterious coins with radio frequency transmitters. The harmless "poppy quarter" was so unfamiliar to suspicious U.S. Army contractors traveling in Canada that they filed confidential espionage accounts about them. The worried contractors described the coins as "filled with something man-made that looked like nano-technology," according to once-classified U.S. government reports and e-mails obtained by the AP."

Submission + - Fat Planet Discovered

ExE122 writes: Scientists have discovered an unusually fat planet approximately eight times the size of Jupiter. The planet, HAT-P-2b, is the largest planet discovered to date. This new discovery contains "so much gravity a 150-pound person would weigh in at more than a ton".

Submission + - Memory leak patterns in JavaScript

An anonymous reader writes: Plugging memory leaks in JavaScript is easy enough when you know what causes them. This article walks you through the basics of circular references in JavaScript and explain why they can cause problems in certain browsers, especially when combined with closures. After seeing some of the common memory leak patterns you should watch out for, you'll learn a variety of easy ways to work around them.
User Journal

Journal Journal: Underwater Basket Weaving 1

Has anyone here ever actually tried weaving a basket underwater? I image that using a snorkel and mask it would be very easy. When weaving, you have to keep the reeds wet, doing it underwater would take care of that for you. Any one have any insight on this?

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I've noticed several design suggestions in your code.
