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Comment Data retention (Score 1) 156

Its a good article and written to show how old data was made readable and anaylsed. This is why the tax records and law records written on animal skins circa 1200~1700 AD (The Rolls) are still useful as being readable today held in care of senior law officer The Master of The Rolls in England than recent 1960s/70s records held electronically and now unreadable due to no available machines to read and formats not preserved or changed.
Similar records on stone/clay in Middle Eastand paper in China allow us to back calulate atronomical events.
Brilliant for historians/scientists/engineers as part of their learning: do experiment AND keep a hard copy of raw data as well.

Comment Re:Even if this was true... (Score 1) 1009

"The box is retired after 3-5 years, and the CPU/RAM/board/etc. is all replaced as a unit. I'm sure we're not alone."
Umm! How nice. Our copororate sets (3000 odd) were bought 1998/2000 (Win Xp) 512MB ram no upgrades in sight or on site. There is a cash flow/recession problem and these do email/text documents, a few spreadsheet just great if slow.

Comment two (2) mesages were sent. (Score 1) 263

1. GCHQ knows the pigeon that the mesage was on [ID number known and pigeon origin unknown]. Second identical message was sent by another pigeon (ID number known & shown om message , but pigeon not known (records held at Bletchly archives etc being checked now.)) (Personal message to me by interested parties at GCHQ)
2. 1 Assumption. Field operative/ recipiant got message and got on with things Pigeon no 2 this one lost. This is Case 1
2.2 . Assumption. Field operative/ recipiant did not get message and did not get on with things Both Pigeon no 2 and pigeon 1 also did not arrive. This is case 2.
3. if case1 the mesage is/was known to those who needed it in time (probally S/He dead by now). If case 2 no mesage was received and now does not matter for any war effort but only as an example in generating a lot of interest.
Also note point of operative /handler working languages. Key points in my own messages when active switched from English (common language) to Gaelic (handler was also a Gael) so three languages Force Jargon/English/Gaelic even in a tweet length message on one time pads.

Comment RedHat, Knoppix (to fix Windows), SLAX, OpenSUSE (Score 1) 867

1. start on Linux was as Red Hat on floppies, then Knoppix to fix Windows XP, then ran Knoppix alongside Windows. Then after much experimenting carried SLAX (slackware derivative) to show others and introduce them to Linux , while giving a copy of Knoppix as a 'if you need it' it will help fix Windows. Then various varieties of SuSE then open SUSE
        2 Now boot Windows and open SUSE as regular items and keep Knoppix as 'best friend'

Comment Re:What slashdot reader is this written for? (Score 1) 206

Always! its by reading /. that I learn.
Ii have never used a proxy or VPN or knew how to even after many years (since 1984) of managing my own IT . /. is to share and inform for/between interested users. By the way the BBC default commission is " to inform , to educate, to entertain" in that order. This sporting event come under 1 inform and then 3 entertain so it has a very public duty to UK taxpayers, it is the other 'so called rights' to restict information flow for commercial purposes that constrains the BBC under UK regulation not to breach other countries' arrangements, and these are mutual commercial obligations hence USA TV not beiong accessible to UK viewers.

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