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Comment Re:Headline title is sensational (Score 5, Informative) 505

I agree the headline title is sensational, but have you forgotten what "moving on to the next version of the OS" meant for us idiots who bought WP7 phones? Or for those of us who spent a couple of years skilling up in Silverlight? After the treatment we have been given over the last five years, I for one will not be buying another Microsoft product any time soon, and I would certainly not trust any assurance that WP8 phone owners will receive the next major version of the operating system. Will that new version retain your music collection? Your preferences? Your apps? Will the apps you've written still work? Who knows?!?

Comment Ouch (Score 2, Interesting) 613

I tried to keep a hand written journal last time I went on a long backpacking trip and started getting hand cramps after the first half-page. I then realized it was the most I had handwritten for at least 12 years. Disturbing.

Comment The Line (Score 1) 354

I think the line is simple - if you start lying to friends and family about your activities when you've been gaming, or making excuses to get out of social occasions just to play games, you're an addict.

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