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Comment Re:More anti-religious (Score 1) 1037

Religion is the original strong belief system upon which all others are based. Stalin may have been an atheist, but his regime and cult of personality was a lot like a religion.

If you make the statement, "religion has caused so much more suffering in the world than it has ever managed to prevent, for example how wars may be started by people, but wartime atrocities almost always require religion to be involved", then it's bullshit to include governments that specifically denied religion.

What is being argued against is supernatural belief in a deity. If you move the goalposts to include any strong belief system, the original argument is meaningless.

So when Stalin wanted somebody executed, for example, there were plenty of unthinking people around him who would blindly follow his orders.

Those that didn't follow his orders would be tortured and killed. He was a tyrannical dictator. But you don't need Stalin to find war atrocities. Name a war and you can find them, such as the My Lai Massacre.

Comment Re:More anti-religious (Score 1) 1037

What the Internet did, however, was to introduce me to the writings of authors such as, Richard Dawkins, Daniel Dennett, Christopher Hitchens and Sam Harris. Their books describe in great detail how religion has caused so much more suffering in the world than it has ever managed to prevent, for example how wars may be started by people, but wartime atrocities almost always require religion to be involved.

I'm an atheist, but I still see this as a bullshit argument. It's just redefining religion as any strong belief system. The communists explicitly said religion is bullshit and committed atrocities aplenty.

Comment Re:Good (Score 0) 1037

I pondered it for quite a while because the logic is very appealing, but it truly doesn't hold up under careful scrutiny when confronted with either life or Christian doctrine. I'm surprised how often atheists like to make it.

And as an atheist, I'm surprised when rational adults appeal to primitive mythological stories.

I have a son. I allow him to play hockey even though it could result in a serious injury or even death. I let him date girls even though he could get his heart broken. When he was two, I let him work his way up and down flights of steps. And yet I love him and would give up my life for him. I see the big picture even when he doesn't.

[bold mine]

So you admit you wouldn't stand by while he was gang raped, tortured, and murdered. What would you think of a parent who did?

Comment Re:Stop using Youtube (Score 1) 306

I didn't sign the contract. I was just doing a favor.

This is entirely the problem. On one hand you say you were just doing a friend a favor, on the other hand you enabled advertisements for the video. Now it isn't just a pro bono favor anymore. You say you were just trying to recoup expenses, but what happens if the video goes viral? Who gets the money then?

Since your friend is in business and so are you, it's best to get these things worked out in advance, especially when it comes to ownership and money.

Comment Re:This is NOT slavery (Score 1) 132

Ever seen a non-compete clause in a contract? They are standard operating procedure now and companies will actively threaten you with them. So my point stands.

No, your point doesn't stand. They can't lock you out of the entire computer industry. At best they are against direct competition. They aren't even valid in California. You also have the freedom not to sign one. And even if you did sign one, you can still quit.

You seem to have the Hollywood definition in your head when the reality is very different. Most slaves were indentured servants and still are.

Even if I accepted that, it still isn't the case here. But even that is a stretch because the "Hollywood" version of slavery did exist. The agricultural industry of the Southern United States was based on it, and the issue resulted in a civil war.

The slavery angle is a stupid analogy by privileged and highly paid tech workers.

Comment Re:This is NOT slavery (Score 1) 132

Is it that far off really?

Yes, there's a huge difference. In one scenario, if you try to leave your owner you are a fugitive of the law. In this scenario, you can always get another job. Just because a few big name companies prevented poaching doesn't mean you couldn't find work at the countless number of startups or established companies. The comparison is ridiculous and insulting to the people who experienced the atrocities of slavery.

Comment Re:Reassembling the Soviet Union (Score 1) 309

USSR was a secular theocracy.

You're just redefining terms in contradictory fashion. There was no appeal to a divine being, hence no theocracy. Putting the leader on a pedestal is not the same as saying the supernatural ruler in the sky has blessed your rule. It may share similar dogmatic values, but it is still different.

Comment Re:Goodbye Anonymous Cowards (Score 2) 167

A site admin dropping in a Facebook-authenticated comment system isn't doing so in order to make lots of money for Facebook in selling your data, he's doing it because he's heard that forcing a modicum of self-identification cuts down in flame wars.

Or he's a lazy slackass that thinks "everybody uses Facebook".

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