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Comment Re:Product's name: (Score 2, Interesting) 417

Disclosure: I'm a pork-eating Jew (read: member of the Jewish people, atheist as the lot of you). I remember reading an article in an Israeli newspaper about genetically modifying food, and one of the things they checked is the opinions Rabbis have about its Kosherness. So one Rabbi they asked, which was also a biologist by training, said that it was perfectly OK to eat, for example, a tomato that expresses genes from a bug (totally unkosher, the latter). The reasoning: expressing bug-genes is, according to his interpretation of the Halacha, not substantially different then a chicken that pecks on the ground and swallows a bug. The bugs flesh is then incorporated in the body of the chicken, the same as the bug proteins are in case of the buggy tomato. Both are fine to eat (although I'm pretty convinced one tastes better...)

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