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Comment Re:I guess he crossed the wrong people (Score 0) 320

Care to add any facts to that statement? So-called "organic" produce requires a shit-ton more chemicals than the 'regular' or GMO plants. GMO plants require the least amount of chemicals by simply altering their genes. The plants are not producing any synthetic pesticides. We've been GMO-ing our crops for the last 10,000 years, lately we're doing it on a bit more advanced level than your average farmer to understand and suddenly it's "witchcraft"?

Comment IRS - Taxes (Score -1, Troll) 109

Tax day reminds us, that all taxes are regressive.

The idea that a tax can be "progressive" is simply a fairy-tale lie to get people to pay more taxes, under the guise of "their fair share" (nebulous term meaning anything and everything). The reality is, taxes are falling on those that cannot afford to not pay, and those that cannot afford to avoid them (i.e. Middle Class).

Every time a liberal cries about the rich, just know it is your pocketbook that will be impacted.

Comment Re:Microkernal Boner (Score 1) 229

These days you don't see the same hype around microkernals that you did back then

No, but they are still in use. HURD, FreeBSD, OS X, and iOS all use the Mach microkernel to some extent.

For FreeBSD, presumably you mean "FreeBSD is based on 4.4-Lite, and 4.4BSD picked up the virtual memory system from Mach", rather than "FreeBSD uses the Mach messaging code", which it doesn't. So it doesn't use any of the microkernelish parts of Mach.

(Not that OS X or iOS make much traditionally-microkernelish use of them, either.)

Comment Re:Youngest ever? False. (Score 0) 313

Um, you failed to actually answer the question I actually asked.

While you are 100% accurate about when "personhood" begins (being Philosophical), we do know that premature babies as young as 24 weeks of gestation have been born, and survived. Would you at least say that was at least one likely boundry of "personhood"?

This is not arbitrary boundary, it is one established by survivability outside the womb.

None of them allow aborting while in labor when the mother's life isn't in danger. Almost none allow it when close to labor.

"Almost" doesn't mean what you think it means. "Almost None" means some. Some isn't none. Lets rephrase your statement in the positive shall we?

None of them allow aborting while in labor when the mother's life isn't in danger. Some even allow it when close to labor.

How you phrase things to minimize the effect doesn't actually negate it at all, which is kind of what you were aiming for. I happen to be able to phrase the exact same meaning in a sentence (Almost None=Some) that conveys a completely different connotation. Since both terms are equally nebulous they are equal in meaning.

Comment Re:Hasn't this been proven to be junk science? (Score 1) 313

To hope is to long for circumstances to change. That is to say, one rejects what is real and wishes instead for a fantasy.

Here is my refutation of this. Hope and being grounded in the Here and Now (present reality) are not mutually exclusive, nor did he present any argument suggesting they are.

I am FULLY AWARE that today's world sucks in many ways, I HOPE that the suckage will change when real grownups start to run the world instead of mental three year old who react based on emotional arguments, rather than logic and thought.

My hope is not fully dependent upon what is the "now". I realize that my chances of my hope coming to fruition is between slim and none, simply because the powers to be think the best person to run for president for the Democrats and Republicans are Clinton and Bush.

Comment Re:WHAT? (Score 5, Insightful) 313

So you're saying that a dead 2 year old, who had already had half her brain removed and the other half was seriously damaged, and dunking that in liquid nitrogen with the hope that someday a new body could be built for her and she'd be perfectly normal again ... is a con?

Oh ... ya ... it is ...

I don't know how the fuck anyone falls for it. Really... Why would they think that even if their bodies were preserved that long, and the technology was invented to create what's missing, and repair all the damage done by the freezing process, that anyone would spend the 14 bazillion New Earth credits (or whatever currency there is in futureland) to bring some old fucker back?

In her case, the could have just saved a DNA sample. The story is clear about the condition her brain was in. Half was gone. The other half critically damaged.

I'd have to think that it would be questionable in futureland to resurrect a 20th century person, even if they were in pristine condition. Say 21 years old with much above average intelligence, who was taught everything that there is to know, with no medical issues, no trauma. Just frozen as-is without cellular damage. Why would anyone opt to wake them up? Just to ask "Hey, so what was life like in the 20th century?"

The whole cryogenics "industry" is a huge con.

If these people are religious in the least, they'd have to believe that the soul was trapped in that frozen body until it was awakened. If it wasn't, there would be no reason to reincarnate them. What if they picked the wrong part to freeze? Like, if the soul was really in the liver, or maybe in the spinal cord between C1 and C3. Oops, sorry, we cut that part off.

And if they aren't religious in the least, why bother? So they can wake up as a curiosity in the future? "Hi Cro-Magnon. Fire hot. We have spoken languages you don't understand. And try to wrap your mind around these three seashells. No more poison ivy toilet paper for you. No, don't hit females with a club to make them your mate/slave."

Comment Re: Students + Anonimity (Score 2) 234

False accusations of rape is present in ~80% of disputed divorce cases. It's so bad, some lawyers are having the clauses in form paperwork. Demonstrably false accusations are around 10-20% of all investigated rape cases. If females wouldn't use rape accusations as a tool, real victims would have a much better chance.

Comment Re:Microkernal Boner (Score 2) 229

That explains why Windows NT and OS X never got anywhere, considering that one was based on Mach and the other actually uses Mach.

Now, in Windows NT and OS X all the modules ran in the same address space. But they didn't call each other directly. They used the same generic messaging API that modules would from user space, there's just wasn't less overhead in passing the messages. But those examples are ancient history.

Not sure what "modules" you're referring to, but if you're referring to "modules" such as network protocols and file systems in OS X, they most definitely are called directly from the system call layer. Go take a look at the kern , net , and vfs directories of XNU, as well as the netinet directory of XNU and the source to the FAT file system kernel module for examples of code that plugs into the BSD-flavored socket layer and VFS mechanism.

As for the drivers they sit atop, those are called by Boring Old Procedure Calls (and method calls, given that IOKit uses a restricted flavor of C++), not by Mach message passing.

As far as I know, network protocols, file systems, and network and storage device drivers work similarly in NT.

Comment Re:Youngest ever? False. (Score 0) 313

While you are 100% accurate about when "personhood" begins (being Philosophical), we do know that premature babies as young as 24 weeks of gestation have been born, and survived. Would you at least say that was at least one likely boundry of "personhood"?

The problem is, that the Blue State abortion fanatics refuse to establish even a baseline, because they know that once that line is drawn in the sand, it can be argued for movement. They refuse to even define the line in the sand, because they are just as fanatical as the Red State crowd on this issue.

Making it about Red State anti scientific types, when it is much more nuanced than that, is a disservice to the discussion.

Here is my suggestion for "personhood", legal scientific accurate. Personhood starts the moment the fetus (baby) is able to survive outside the womb. We know when that is, because we have proof via example.

Comment Re:Decent (Score 5, Insightful) 482

According to other articles, it will cost them an average of $19k for 30 employees, so $570k. And not well publicized is he is going to spread it over 3 years. So $200k year one, $400k year 2, and so on. The $930k pay cut is immediate. The company is completely owned by the two brothers, and makes $2M in profits per year, which presumably they reinvest or take out in bonuses. The absolute WORST way to get money out of your own company is salary. I would be shocked if the tax advantages of changing disbursement methods dont outweigh the $190k first year costs, while raising profitability on paper, and making you the darling of the media and the White House (they're cozy with Obama already). If their goal was to sell the company, this would be a pretty good way to pump up the profit margin and P/E ratio before cashing out, and a little media blitz helps too.

Good for them! Gaming the system to make a buck and help their employees at the same time. But this is not sheer altruism at work.

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