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Comment God like aspirations... (Score 1) 368

We're playing god far too much. What with this and anti-biotics in animal feed. Oh and wait lets not forget Fukushima while we're mentioning more god like dablings. And while we're at it why don't we also forget to maintain the damn things or better yet pretend we maintained them and then blame nature when it all goes pear shaped!

Can't wait to see what 2012 brings. I just hope we can learn to work with nature a little more instead of against it.

Comment Re:Send it to (Score 1) 54

Yes great now perhaps it can be applied to, as the above poster hinted at, the container ship, MV Rena, that parked itself on top of one of NZ's well known reefs. Birthday party or not, it should not have happened. This X-prize would be best served by putting it into immediate action over here in NZ, what used to be an innovation hub in the world.

And as a final rant over the stalling due to supposed corporate greed...Money might not grow on trees but if you can apply this innovation and the other one "We Finally Know Why Oil and Water Don't Mix" then perhaps this clude oil could actually be put to good use and converted to something of more use like say methane if you added some hydroxide (Old chemistry 101 but I think that's right?).

Comment IBM Watson to help correct your coding errors? (Score 1) 105

I was watching a show on SkyTV about IBM's Watson Supercomputer competing in Jeopardy. Perhaps GITGUB could rent time off IBM's Watson to redirect that AI from Jeopardy and recognising and learning from correct human answers to recognising errors and the human contributed corrections and then learning from this and correcting other code that contains the same or similar errors?

Who knows we might finally get rid of those annoying memory leaks in just about every piece of software I had the pleasure of using. What would we get if we gave Watson access to all the open code and asked for it to write something? ...or

We could end up with a singular entity that performs all our coding and applications via the cloud and eventually we never have to code again, the world becomes a place for users and when people here the word phrase Watson they think it's a reference to the current show of TV most likely a TV reality show.

Comment The whole point is social! (Score 1) 415

What a stupid insane ruling that is! Pompous idiots. Should also be illegal for State Governor's and Senate members to be online friends with large monopolistic commercially destructive corporations and financial institutions.

So what happens if the teacher and student use these social networks to make connections for study use? Doh!


Submission + - ID system may turn tide on data breaches (

mask.of.sanity writes: "British researchers have developed a federated identity framework that could help to curb the string of recent data breaches by eliminating the need for websites to handle private user data.

The Trusted Attribute Aggregation Service validates identity credentials from institutions like banks, governments and universities. Users can choose what credentials to use, and click a box to deliver them via a one time password to a web site.

It's a hotly debated area, especially around the contentious area of trust. Because, at the end of the day, why would a bank want to take on responsibility of guaranteeing credentials?

You can see a short demo video of the system here, or contact its creator to see it for yourself."


Submission + - Is Facebook getting too big?

Julz writes: Just noticing that today that Facebook seems to be offline. That's empty HTML replies to browser requests and bad data returning from API requests. Could it be that CLU has taken back his perfect world? Or interestly looking at the "Prove yourself" for me to submit this article which is "hacked" has it finally been attacked by Anonymous? Such an unusual coincidence? Hmmm.

Comment Re:Not running it... (Score 1) 488

You know that it's also entirely possible that KSplice's site has been hacked by using the exact exploit code that we're all being told about and that this small piece of C code is in fact, as some of it definitely looks like, the exploit. With perhaps a few extra bits and pieces thrown in the divert attention. The thing that really worries me most is that in there is a very obvious statement that we're going to run this exploit and show you what's happening! Holy crappoly batman.

It sounds like crap...It looks like crap...It certainly smells like crap...OMG it is crap!

Comment Perhaps a plastic chimney? (Score 1) 483

Why not make up a huge long extra strong heat resistant open ended plastic bag to bring this oil up to the surface. Something like a huge long chimney. The oil eating bateria could be added at the bottom to ride the oil up and start working on it early. Then once you get all that oil up to the top suck it up into oil tankers and take it away to reprocess. I'm sure that they 'BP' can get some good oil out of it to help offset the cost of this cleanup.

Just a thought...Perhaps a very uneducated one...But I'm just thinking out loud here...We already use chimneys to move the out gasing further up above us. So why not use the same principle to move the oil closer to us for collection instead of leaving it sitting underwater with the potential disaster it could cause.

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