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Submission + - Uber ThreatCon

Paul Hortop writes: "CERTStation has just released a threatcon level that is an aggregation of 8 other threatcon levels giving a spread bet across commercial vendors, independant organisations and anti-virus specialists. The new IT Security Dashboard at , still in Beta, integrates ajax-based elements that correlate the latest IT Security news, vulnerabilities, malware, top attacked ports, top-level DNS server and router status."

Submission + - New Drugs Enhance Performance, Eliminate Sleep

docinthemachine writes: "New drugs in the eugeroic family are completing trials that offer improved memory, mood enhancement, improved alertness and cognitive powers without any of the nasty side effects and mass murder of speed and crank. They are a class of novel stimulants that produce long-lasting mental arousal. They are unique in producing hypervigilence and alertness without peripheral effects or addidition of usual stimulants. Strangely, they have minimal effect on sleep structure, and do not cause rebound hypersomnolence (crashing). Related are Ampakines that also cause memory enhancement (just a bit of abuse potential there). One of these — a drug code-named CX717 enabled sleep deprived rhesus monkeys to outperform rested normal monkeys on memory tasks. you can read details of the drugs and studies at"

Submission + - Can Apple Take Microsoft on the Desktop?

An anonymous reader writes: RDM asks Can Apple Take Microsoft on the Desktop?, a comparison of recent sales and profits and the future outlook for Macs and PCs. From the article: "Apple doesn't have to take a majority share of the desktop market to win, it only needs to take the most valuable segments of the market. Once that happens, Microsoft will be forced to choose whether it wants to battle Mac OS X for control of the slick consumer desktop, or repurpose Windows as a cheaper, mass market alternative to Linux in corporate sales. If it doesn't make a choice, the company will face difficult battles on two fronts."

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So you think that money is the root of all evil. Have you ever asked what is the root of money? -- Ayn Rand
