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Comment Probably untrue. (Score 1) 1425

>After 9 years of hunting Bin Laden.. Assange is safe from the US for a while!

No useful purpose would be solved in capturing Bin Laden. It would probably cause calls for the "war on terror" to be over, and that would make lots of military spending go away. Can't have that. No, it is far far better to have that boogey man out there as an excuse to carry on.

Assange, on the other hand, is nothing but a loose cannon bringing public embarrassment to people in power.

His ass is toast.

Comment All secrets should be released. (Score 3, Insightful) 833

I'm not a big fan of the "OK government secrets" thing.

I'm pretty convinced that just about every thing that the government tries to keep secret is because it is a morally bad thing that they would be ashamed of if it was made public.

Sure, there are technological secrets, but most of the secrets that they are up in arms about are behavioral secrets.

Personally, think that every government secret that can be outed should be outed, and the people doing the outing should be held harmless. Allow the government to keep its secrets as best it may, but there should be no retribution when they drop the ball and the secret gets out.

For years we have heard "If you have nothing to hide, you should have nothing to worry about" aimed at private citizens. Well what's good for the goose is good for the gander.

Comment I support this idea. (Score 1) 1065

I support the idea of disabling cell phones from working once they detect they are moving at, say, greater than 5 MPH. Certain SIM cards could be provided for people who had a demonstrated need to be exempt from this.

It's really not a big hardship if you need to use the phone or send a text to simply pull over.

But this will never happen, and here is why: Lobbyists for the cellular companies will kill it. I would wager that a huge number of cell phone minutes are consumed while people use their phone while driving. Cut that off and suddenly you take a huge bite out of cell phone profits.

Comment You're missing the point. (Score 1) 257

Every time I read one of these negative kinds of responses to these new, super-small, super-efficient vehicle alternatives about how unsafe they are going to be, I can't help but think that the poster is missing the point.

Yes, compared to vehicles commonly available today, these will probably be structurally inferior.

But these vehicles are for the future. In the future, probably the near future, many people are going to be choosing between going to work on foot or a bicycle, because they won't be able to afford to drive any of the vehicles commonly available today.

Compared to going on foot or a bicycle, these kinds of cars are just fine.

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