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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 4 declined, 0 accepted (4 total, 0.00% accepted)


Submission + - Creating Gasoline from H2O and CO2 (using Solar!)

jp102235 writes: Sandia Labs says they have a plan to make gasoline from CO2 and Water (H2O) using solar power. They envision using the CO2 from coal plants and solar to make _renewable_ gasoline.... Read for more details.... Don't expect to see this tech for at least a couple of decades.
Portables (Apple)

Submission + - JP Morgan rejects iPhone nano report

jp102235 writes: JP Morgan has moved to dismiss its own previous claims that Apple will release an iPhone nano within months. It seems the claims of the Taiwanese analyst were pure speculation and maybe wishful thinking, and JP Morgan US is trying to distance itself from those claims and seemingly refute them as well. The bump in stock price may (or may not) be due to this typical example of market movement (or manipulation) based on an analyst's unfounded claims. At least somebody made money on this.

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