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Comment Re:Vendor Hype Orange Alert (Re:hmm) (Score 1) 381

Your queries do not produce the same result. SELECT from x left join y on x.c is an outer join whereas SELECT from x, y where x.c = y.c is an inner join. Ok, it is a cross join, but most databases will transform it to inner join. I would like to know what are those SQL engines which do a cross join when using the select from x, y where x.c = y.c syntax. Even SQLite converts comma joins to inner joins if it is more efficient to do so. Also, using left joins when inner join is the thing you want is not good for performance. You can look the above link for explanation why.

Comment Re:Kudos to NSA (Score 2, Informative) 140

The short answer is that there is just too many primes to list. There is about x/log(x) prime numbers smaller than x. If you have a 512 bit number then you have about sqrt(2^512) / log(sqrt(2^512)) numbers to check. So, there is 1.5 * 10^75 numbers you need to list. This is simply impossible. Moore's law will not help here, as adding one bit to the number to check about doubles the search space. That is, after a year of you can check a number that is just one bit larger!

Submission + - "Pre-AJAX" Pioneers Discuss AJAX's 2nd Bir

An anonymous reader writes: AJAXWorld Magazine marks the second birthday of the coining of 'AJAX' today by asking the early pioneers of rich applications delivered into web browsers how it was for them when suddenly on February 18th two years ago a single, easy-to-comprehend term arrived to help them propagate their new-web goals. Those canvassed include David Temkin of OpenLaszlo, Coach Wei of Nexaweb, and Burton Group analyst Richard Monson-Haefel, whose contribution is to temper the undiluted optimism of Temkin, Wei, et al. by saying: "Given a choice I would much rather work with Adobe Flex 2 than AJAX simply because the tooling is much better."

Submission + - The *REAL* facts of Linux vs Windows ?

yorugua writes: From the report: "Considering the publicity that has surrounded — and, despite super new security-focused Service Packs, continues to surround — Windows security issues, Microsoft's determination to demonstrate that Linux is less secure than Windows shows a certain chutzpah. The company has however had some support here; Forrester, for example, provides some numbers that can be used to support the contention that Microsoft flaws are less severe, less numerous and fixed faster. And although there's a general readiness among users to believe that Windows is a security disaster area, there's also a reasonable amount of support for the view that Linux would get just as many security issues if it had anything like Windows' user base.". PDF available at indows_vs_linux.pdf . Let the flam^H^H^H^Hdiscussion begin.

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