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Comment Huh? (Score 1) 490

Did you even read the PDF that you linked? The paper is letting employers know that they can hire international students. When I was in school, we had a lot of international students that couldn't get jobs because nobody would hire them. They had to work on campus or for some charity for nil to nothing. Read the articles before you go blast us with ignorance.

Comment Re:Some more harmful things they should ban: (Score 1) 631

-Pointy sticks -Firearms -Automobiles -Anything harder than nerf

"Ooh, ooh, ooh; want to learn how to defend yourself against pointed sticks, do we? Getting all high and mighty, eh? Fresh fruit not good enough for you, eh? Well let me tell you something lad! When you're walking home tonight and some great homicidal maniac comes after YOU with a bunch of loganberries, don't come cryin' to me!" ~ John Cleese
I'm really sorry... really :-/

Comment Re:Rights Do Not Scale Up (Score 1) 274

I don't mean this to offend, just putting my 2 cents out there...

The bigger you are, the less rights you should be entitled to. And the scope of your rights should be similarly curtailed.

So you're basically saying that there should be a subset of people who do not have the same rights as you, just because they have a grander vision?

Least of all a private

They are public...Google

...and we will all suffer for it.

I don't see how we will suffer for having a repository for information. I agree that it may be slightly annoying that we can't do anything in public without a camera in our faces... but it's public. I don't go outside with the expectation of not being seen.

Comment Re:My experience with Turnitin.com (Score 1) 315

I remember getting chewed out by a teacher because I had a 2% match on a 10 page paper...For my remaining years I was considered somebody to watch thanks to this service and the brain dead people who use it.

Wow, things have changed. This service seems good for students to check and make sure they aren't submitting something that could be deemed as plagarizing(sp?). Why report directly to the teacher? Why not report back to the student to verify that is the work they want to submit? Seems to me it's a flawed business model. I see a lot of your complaints sparking up WiiVault as this service continues.

Comment Re:What about legacy code? (Score 1) 486

I'm having to deal with that right now. There is no real way to deal with it. Comment what you put in and move on. The legacy will just have to live on. We currently have a variable that is never used but declared in our main application called ken_is_a_jackass. This boolean is set to true but never mentioned again in code. Good and bad comments/code will stay with a system long after you're gone. Ken has apparently been a jackass for over 12 years and nobody seems to want to get rid of it.

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