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Comment Re:Oh boy! (Score 1) 163

No, the REAL Choice bit: "On September 13, 1987, the guard in charge of daytime security, Voudireinão da Silva, did not show up to work, using a sick day to attend a cinema screening of Herbie Goes Bananas with his family"

Comment Follow the bouncing ball: (Score 3, Funny) 52 -> -> -> (Ronald Steelman) ->

"Welcome to CodeIgniter! The page you are looking at is being generated dynamically by CodeIgniter. If you would like to edit this page you'll find it located at: application/views/welcome_message.php"

Maybe his first article should be about setting up a site with CodeIgniter...or not!

Comment My experience (Score 1) 480

I've worked from home now for about 8 months, it's gone very well, and has only taken a few adjustments. I have kids, but they're in school, and my wife also works part time from home, so with those two things it's gone well. One thing, have a separate place to work, my workspace downstairs has turned into my office, and I ordered an Ikea desk in order to make a standing desk out of it. I bring this up because standing to work has done wonders for my concentration and focus. Work provided me a 27" iMac, I use the built-in camera, VPN, IM, Skype, and lots of SSH, to stay dialed into the dev group fulltime. IM chat rooms help me get answers from a group, or direct IMs to work on specific issues. We do agile dev and also do a bit of pairing, where screensharing allows me to share my screen, or vice versa, to work one on one. It's really worked better than we expected, and it's been very enjoyable - I'm glad I'm getting the opportunity.

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