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Comment Re:Loss lead (Score 1) 138

The Total Access plan you mention includes returning unlimited online rented movies for store rented movies. Netflix has nothing of the sort so callng it a competitor is flat out wrong. A quick look on the blockbuster website shows the 3 out at a time plan is 19.99 and that includes 5 store rentals a month.
Technology (Apple)

Submission + - Top 10 Apple products which flopped

Miti writes: "Apart from phenomenal products like the iPod, iMac and Macbooks, Apple in its 30 year old history has churned out super flop products too. Newlaunches.com has compiled a list of 10 products in from Apple which fizzled in the market."

XPS Notebook Torn-Apart and Overclocked 24

Pelly writes "For those who are interested in seeing the inner-workings of Dell's latest XPS M1710 flagship notebook, Hot Hardware has taken the time to rip the system apart and photograph the hardware for your viewing pleasure. In addition, there's some amusing overclocking attempts which utilize the sub-zero temperatures of New Hampshire's winter weather to provide an interesting spin on the review."

Rosetta Probe Reveals Martian Cloud Systems 26

MattSparkes writes "The ESA's Rosetta probe swooped around Mars on Sunday, completing a key manoeuvre in its 10-year mission to land on a distant comet. The 3-tonne probe came within 155 miles of the planet's surface, and took some incredible images that reveal cloud systems on the planet. "At this time of the Martian year, a large fraction of Mars' atmosphere is evaporating from the southern polar cap and will migrate to the northern polar cap during nothern winter. Over most of the Martian disk one can see large cloud systems.""

Submission + - Is there value in the SMART monitoring technology?

Khuffie writes: "Ars Technicha has a very interesting writeup regarding a study made by Google about hard-drive failures and SMART technology. Their findings? SMART wasn't a very effective way of predicting hard-drive failure, and that contrary to popular belief, "drive failures did not increase with high temperatures or CPU utilization"."
It's funny.  Laugh.

What Vista Is Really Like 305

This waking dream has been making the rounds: what if you woke and found a strange and beautiful woman in your bed, and she was inscrutible, unpredictable, and dangerous... but oh so beautiful? That's Vista for you.

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