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Comment Re:Welcome to corporate future (Score 1) 255

Now imagine that almost everyone communicates only via printed pamphlets, but pamphlet-printing business controlled by one censorious individual eager to push his agenda to the detriment of others. Could freedom of speech exists in such hypothetical society?

In Twitter case there isn't "someone else has to do it for you", they are 'common carrier' for speech and nothing more. Starting now and moving forward online communication is more prevalent than in-person speech. It isn't inconceivable to imagine dystopian future where everyone communicates using only 'social' media, and few corporations determine what is acceptable. In such future nobody has freedom of speech, and we get there with unwise individuals pushing for "Right to not get offended".

Comment Welcome to corporate future (Score 0) 255

>>>"Freedom of expression means little"

So if your platform is Twitter, you don't have freedom of speech. With all social media controlled by this or that corporation, this means that you don't have any freedom of speech in that media. If that main mode of communication, then you don't have that freedom, period.

Freedom of speech could only exist when people everyone hates can say things that everyone disagrees with.

Comment Re:Have we solved all human rights issues? (Score 1) 336

We absolutely have to prioritize where our limited resources are going, or we will not get maximum possible benefit once they are spent.

We shouldn't care about granting chimps personhood, not when there are actual humans in our country, like incarcerated felons, that still lack dignified humane treatment. We shouldn't provide any foreign aid based on humanitarian grounds (ignoring influence-buying aspect for now) when we still have starving children in our country. We shouldn't engage in TSA-sponsored security theater when getting run over while riding your bicycle is 10^6 times more likely than getting killed by a hijacked plane. We also shouldn't care about 0.001% incidence of campus rape when young black male mortality from homicide is into 20% range.

Unfortunately, we do no live in a rational world.

Comment Post-labor economics (Score 3, Informative) 289

We will have to rethink how our economy works. Present consumer spending-driven 9-5 5 days a week until 65 system won't work when there is no need for that much human labor. History showed us that at around 20% unemployment systemic societal unrest starts, and at around 30% unemployment radicalization and regime changes happen.

Maybe unwanted labor will establish new markets for creative process. I see this as very unlikely scenario, since average person isn't that creative. Plus whole 'starving artist' does not scale up to population levels. Alternatively, we can go down to 4 days a week or 10-4 days or all have 3 month per year vacations.

Comment Re:Probably best (Score 1) 649

I own few of these, and you are look at this with rose-colored glasses. First, carburetors and early mechanical injection systems sucked. Second, no safety features whatsoever, not even ABS, means that you really have to take it easy in all but perfect road conditions. Third, with 40+ years of use, even well-cared mechanical systems start falling apart in unexpected way. Fourth, even when everything works most sports car from that era couldn't keep up with modern-day Corolla.

Having daily-driver classic car is a rare distinction, this means you are ether loaded or exceptionally good DIY or often both.

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