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Comment Re:Authoritarian Oligarchy vs. Democracy (Score 2) 623

Fist fights are fairly mundane occurrence in Ukrainian parliament. Cultural differences aside, categorically this is not that different from GOP calling Obama antichrist from Kenya and/or shouting "lies!" during congressional speeches.

Yes, they tried to repeal the language law and it got vetoed. How many times did US congress tried to repeal ACA? I think in both cases system worked as intended.

Entirety of Russian economy is oil and gas exports. Ukraine doesn't have these mineral riches and economic boost isn't there.

The main issue with Ukrainian economy is that Yushenko/Tymoshenko team had very poor understanding of how to manage economy and instead of helping managed to amplify 2008 crisis. This is why they got turfed so hard (with 5% popular vote) and this is partially why Yanukovich imprisoned Tymoshenko. The mismanagement was of criminal negligence proportions.

Comment Re:Authoritarian Oligarchy vs. Democracy (Score 2) 623

There are no "two" of Ukraine, this division is part of Kremlin's false narrative.

East Ukraine has Russian-speaking majority with Ukrainian-speaking minority and West Ukraine has Ukrainian-speaking majority with Russian-speaking minority. Russian and Ukrainian languages are close enough that speakers can understand each other just by speaking their own language. Regardless, nearly every Ukrainian speaks both languages - Russian and Ukrainian since both are studied in school, and with languages being so close it is very easy to learn both. Presently, both languages are officially recognized.

Current conflict isn't about trade, while trade agreement with EU happen to be a flashpoint that triggered protests, the conflict is about Ukrainian's people right to follow democratic processes without having Kremlin calling all the shots.

At this point both West and East Ukraine are worried about getting invaded by Russia. East Ukrainan Russian-speaking population understand that even if they would do marginally better than Ukrainian-speakers, once invaded and annexed everyone will be relegated to 'provincial' status with Moscow's oligarch interest's calling all the shots. Presently international borders protect Ukrainian business interests from getting dominated by Russian power-structures, after annexation it will be "under new management" in a very short order.

Comment Authoritarian Oligarchy vs. Democracy (Score 4, Interesting) 623

Ukrainian people are seeking democracy. They ousted Yanukovich during Orange Revolution (2008) for rigging elections, they ousted Yanukovich (2014) during Maidan Protests for attempting to amend the constitution, sacking and stacking judicial branch, and pillaging treasury to build his palaces. Twice Ukrainian people rose, twice they succeed. It is very clear Ukrainian people are not interested going back to being Soviet Ukraine.

As a result of this struggle, Putin sees Ukrainian protests as a direct threat to his dictatorship, least Maidan escalate into 'Russian Spring'. As such, he is willing to risk sanctions, isolation from West, and a shooting war in order to destabilize Ukraine at all costs. That why Crimea annexation, that why Soviet-era propaganda trying to paint Ukrainian protesters as radicals/nazis, that why he is sending covert ops into the rest of Ukraine.

What is more interesting, is that Russian KGB learned a great deal how to use Internet to misdirect and confuse otherwise very clear issue. Reading the comments sections of all major new sources you can clearly see paid shills spewing Kremlin's talking points and/or trying to derail the conversation.

Comment Re:Search poisoning (Score 1) 187

Dear shill. Nobody wants to see ads, as such "want to see the ads" statement gave you away as a post-for-hire.

Search engine primary function is to facilitate search, any other function, like getting you to buy stuff is very distant secondary purpose. If this secondary purpose impedes primary function in any way, then it is flawed product and is not doing its job well.
  If you get too greedy trying to trick us into buying stuff, then you will be shown the door. We will use Yellow Pages if we must.

Comment Search poisoning (Score 2, Insightful) 187

If they start poisoning search with for-profit results Google will be quickly reminded that they are not the only search engine in town.

I don't know what they are thinking, but there is no brand loyalty for any web service. There is only usability and convenience. Sure, Google is convenient, but if they take a dump on usability #2 search engine will laugh all the way to the bank.

Comment Cause is not so clear (Score 2) 130

Following your 'logic', solving "shitload of other issues" would cause shitload of other problems. Your argument for ignorance overlooks all the positives of such discovery and instead presents hypothetical drawbacks in opposition.

Yes, you are correct in pointing out that old age problems like Alzheimers will still remain with us and possibly become leading source of death, so how we die will likely change. Did you make the same argument against research into cardiology when leading source of death was heart attacks?

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