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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 19 declined, 4 accepted (23 total, 17.39% accepted)


Submission + - How to Choose the Better Linux Distribution? 1

aitikin writes: I've been out of the Linux world for a few years, living in the relatively un-walled Garden that has gradually become more walled... That being said, I'm looking to head back to the Linux world. Back when I was actively using Linux, I was using Gentoo primarily, but I kind of had the mentality of, "if it ain't broke, don't stop tinkering!" Now I'm a little older and my desktop is no longer something that I can just let go down due to a package conflict or a circular dependency and I still want similar customization. I'm trying not to start a flame-war between distros but I'd love to hear the pros of some that I have or haven't heard of. My end all be all goal for this is this project, but like I say there, it'll be a while coming.

Submission + - Web Hosting for a newb?

aitikin writes: I'm currently helping out a friend who is trying to put together a website for his business and is very eager to get started but we have not figured out a webhosting solution yet. It is mostly and informational website and as suchit does not require much in the way of upkeep beyond the typical information updates, however he needs the ability to upload decent file sizes (multiple files up around a couple hundred megs, some even to gigs) and have them accessible preferably through a changeable password protected system. While the focus won't be rich interactions, having a music player and video streaming available is required. He is not exactly the most tech savvy individual, doesn't have the administrative know-how to manage a website without usage of tools like iWeb, and I do not have the ability to maintain it for him, so a "set it and forget it" type mentality is going to be necessary for anything that's public facing. He knows his way around FTP and SSH well enough to upload all the necessary files, is working on the layout, and has most of the media he needs put together, however he has yet to register the domain. In my searches I found this post from February however it takes a much more nerdy focus than he will be able to achieve (as expected given this is /.). I know he has a significant interest in the use of subdomains, although he's not exactly sure what he will be using them for at this point, he wants to have them readily available. I personally do not run any websites and while I can code and have limited experience, I don't want this to become a project that I will have to deal with regularly. I'm sure that many amongst you have had this sort of occurrence before and as such, any advice from the /. community would be much appreciated.

Submission + - Apple changes the APSL rules

aitikin writes: Apple recently changed their license for the OS X kernel. According to semthex's post, Apple has reworded the APSL to prevent him and others from open sourcing the kernel hacking under the APSL:

"This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of, unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement."

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